
Merida Rosalind

Ask @justmere

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xD Ok Ok, I know hes a weirdo. Oh i love cheetos :D But.. poptarts are my drug :DDDDDDDD

Totally weird. :P ly jamesy I know you'll be reading this you stalker you :P I like the sunday poptarts and the smore ones omfg ...orgasm of the mouth.

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Your Beautiful<3 If You Could Go Back In The PAst And Change 1 Thing.. What WOuld It Be? <333

Nothing aint got da time or patience for that.

Yeah :D I just said I'd say Hi like, we are always on ask at the same time and blah blah Well I'm Audrey xD and i hear you also like cheetos

Cheetos are my drug yes. Ahaha I thought the name looked familiar (: James is a weirdo dont listen to anything he says okay?

do you think im cute?

.....you're just words to me I'm sorry I can't feel anything else I'm trying I really am.

hiii :D i dont think we've spoken before.. or else we have.. idk xD

Hi I'm Mere (:
Idk I dont think we have. You're friends with James right?

What's your idea of a perfect date?

A movie or just hanging out just to be out ya know walking around and talking.

( Sagittarius and Scorpio )

Well, tricky, but doable.
Scorpio’s like to control and Sagittarius need their freedom.
Scorpios are also very emotional, and Sagittarius tend to not want much to do with messy emotions.


Language: English