
kim taehyung

Ask @kmthyng

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" i was that one " ? so v that anon deactivated your account?

ah. someone new my password. but im not that mean to reveal who that anon is. </3 her reputation. ugh. </3 i dont want her to be bashed, still. </3 ;;

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you didnt do anything wrong. /hugs you back.

su eun
i didn't d/a , i just logged out, but when i opened my acc. my status says ; *profile REACTIVATED* </3 tsk. im sorry if that scares you. </3 ;; /pats your back. ilyeun.

everyone's like running to me asking why and i dont knowwww ; ; tyungg

su eun
/hugs you. i dont know what happening just now. ; ;
im sorry.. ifididwrong. </3

asdfghjkl i just can't with you sometimes... orz why do you have be so sweet, lovable and full of cheese? /laughs > v < ♡

su eun
/grins. well, i just love you and all. <3 /winks. c;

What annoys you the most?

when someone's sad, especially when it's someone who's special for me like eun and my friends. :)

you did good, long as you finished the words aha (x /sticks a gold star on your forehead. goodjob tyung ♡ /pecks your cheek

/grins widely as i look at you, ruffles your hair.
saranghae, wo ai ni, i love you, 1843. you're my heartbeat. < 3

finish these sentences... sarang- wo ai- i love- 18- ♡

hae , ni , you, 43 :D
is that how should i finish it? XD
hmm or like this . v
. saranghae . wo ai ni . i love you . 1843 :)
Liked by: su eun

food for thought || the world is full of judgmental people, but there will always be someone who see the good in you. they are just hidden among those people.

. . so true! :)

are you selective for now? o u o;;

hmm. . .
somehow? . . why?
did i not replied to you yet. oh, god. who are you?
/pouts. im sorry. . . ;;


Language: English