

Hello ^^! i start using AE for 4 weeks ago maybe, can u advice me with a channel tht gives some advnced tutorials please. thanks!

The YT channel AMVlogs has some great AE and AMV related tutorials.
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Latest answers from Jazzy

Hi, I'm writing to you because I want to know the name the one anime you used in the video that you posted on March 31. 2016 with the name "Real Life" on YouTube. Please! I hope you answer my message I would appreciate it too. Psdt:I love your videos.

j000t4’s Profile PhotoJose :v
The anime is called ”Free!"

What is the remix of let the love you used in your la la land video?

Starkillers - Let The Love (Ed Remix)

What is the thing that makes you happy

animals 🐐, food 🍟, music 🎶, long bus rides 🚌

How to do an amv like anime got Talent? Does youtube monetize it?

With friends who know how to use Cinema 4D lolzz... 😂 @ReplaayStudios
Uhh..the song is copyrighted, so no there is no monetization.

what kind of software you usually use??.. really sorry cause i'm a bit new in this

For my most recent AMV, I've been using Premiere Pro and After Effects.

Planning to start making amv well just a hobby to fill my time...what kind of software do i need besides vegas pro??

I would definitely recommend learning After Effects as well. SV is great, but is limited in what fx you can make.

Hey Jazzy, 6 years ago on September 25 2012 you uploaded a video titled Lost in Stereo that was an AMV to the song from All Time Low. It’s been killing me because I’ve been trying to find the anime you got the footage from but I can’t find it because the video is blocked in my country, can you help?

Colesparks3’s Profile PhotoCole Johnson
The anime was called Itazura na Kiss. Sorry for the late reply.

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