
Night Moonbayer

How did you come up with your username?

It was during an episode of Looney Tunes when Sylvester and Porky Pig were out camping, I was trying to come up with a name for my fursona and I didn't want to go with something generic or lame like Shadow or Twilight or something like that, I wanted to be original and during the episode a wolf howls at the moon and Sylvester gets scared to which Porky says "That's just a little wolf baying at the moon!" and it just gradually came from that, Moonbayer and Night came simply from the fact that moon is up during the night so that became Night Moonbayer ^^
Liked by: DragonGirl1133
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Latest answers from Night Moonbayer

Who do you think should be the next president?

Bernie Sanders. Will it happen? 99.9% sure it won't, he'd have to flip every single, last super delegate and the convention in order to do it but I still support Bernie Sanders nevertheless. Feel The Bern

What do you prefer: read the newspaper, watch TV News, or check online news?

Check online news cause there's stuff that the mainstream media don't tell you

What's one thing most people don't know about you?

It's very private and personal so I'm not gonna say

Tell us about your first kiss!

Kim's the first girl I kissed, I was so nervous that I nearly missed xD LOL but no, I'm talking about that, that's a personal moment that only me and the other person will know about

Language: English