

Ask @luanahitchxx

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even i dont know to tell you the truth all i know is its been a while <3


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its been a few months and i would say we wernt the closest but we had our moments <3

Hum, okay okayyy. Boy or girl? <3

iam not mean cause i will tell you with time and you could allways ask me questions :) <3

Errrrrmmmmm do I know you -.- <3

I get that too believe me :L now and again my dark side like's to pay me a visit :L I've done it too, played with people's emotions just because It made me feel better through it, had multiple girls falling for me with no intention of catching them, I've made mistakes to but we can beat our past! <3

Humm maybee you can but I'm not to sure my past is beatable! <3

Couldn't fit it all in one, point is we've all made mistakes I have so much I'm ashamed of but still fighting to be a better guy in the long run, just got to ignore the haters because through thick and thin you'll always have me, your family and friends who will support you 100% all the way!! <3

I love you so much! I'm lucky to have the few people left tbh :) <3

I know what you mean, I used to be.. bad :L used to lie, steal hurt people in a lot of ways, stealing was a huge issue for me :/ got really out of control I couldn't stop myself tbf I was pretty good at it :L Just glad I stopped before I got into serious shit :L <3

It's not a case of breaking the law for me, I still do that now haha! Not steal like but you know usual stuff. I just, I was a dickhead, hurt so many people for my own amusement and now karma is twating the living shit out of me. <3

your not being soft, it's perfectly natural, If they hate you they can't really know you that well then can they if they can't see what a wonderful person you really are their the one's who should be upset, it's them who's missing out on you <3

:) means a lot babe, but I brought it on myself for all the years of being a complete twat! But I'm trying so hard to be a better person and every time I think I'm getting somewhere I get knocked right back down! <3

What's wrong babe? :( <3

Nothing :) It's just sometimes the hate gets a little much you know? Haha I'm just being soft! <3

you don't need to wish I did that, I wished that one day I'd find someone so incredible that she makes life just that much more wonderful and yet here you are, you are amazing no matter what they say!! I promise <3

Thankyou baby means everything it really does <3

A gentleman is the last thing I'd call him :L But in this case I can truly say you are loved by me :P <3

Heheeeee love you :) <3

Lmao :L Just choked on my coke reading the other question :L Omg who said romance was dead xD <3

What can I say! haha I'm loved my many gentlemen :L <3

Ah now that make's sense ;-) Eee he's lucky to have a fan like you!! :P <3

AHHHH! No Leon noooo! I'm not a fan, I'm much much muccccch more... I'm a MAYNIAC <3

Boo!! Amazon all the way!! I always get outbidded at the last min on ebay -.- :P <3

Amazon just isn't my place haha! Ebay has my baby Conor Maynard! :P <3

well I've spent the last half an hour talking to you, so as expected I'm smiling :P How you doin'? :) <3

Awwww :')! I'm great thanks babe! Searching ebay :P <3

But the point is you already love me before this conversation even began ;-) I don't need to reveal myself because I know you can work this out!! and hey I'm half black that might boost your ego ;-) <3

That's because Black is cool. I have no idea and this is unfair :( <3

as for your status 1I don't understand :L 2. I can live without sandwiches or need be I'll make you the sandwhich! 3. I'm socially awkward too!! 4. I can eat more than 2 average males.. :L 5. Black/White who give's a shit your human :P and 6 I don't get either >.< but yeah you may call me Mr Cheese

Awwwwwwwwww Mr Cheese I may love you already! You should just revel yourself ^.^ I really wanna be black :( My mummas fault! <3

Who need's cheese when you have me? one me and two slices of bread coming up ;) and hey you may not know who this is, but you do know me ;)

Hahaaa cheesaaaaay! But but but I wanna know who you are :(

No idea who the other guy is saying he's better than me pmsl and If you like cheese you'll love me ;-)

I have no clue either, I don't even know who you are -.- However, make me a cheese sandwich please?

I've been in front of you the whole time ;-)

You should just be like BAMN this is me :) THANKS

I'm not finished!! as I was saying -.- See I'm not one to write such fiction, so let me be your reality and show you what you mean to me :P

CHEESE ;) hahaa, can I at least know who you are :O

I've been writing you a story... the headline reads we're meant to be..

A story? Ooo woww! When do I get to read it ^.^

i think your a girl who cares just a little to much tbh xx

OOOOO please don't get me wrong, I don't give even the smallest of fucks :)! However, Thank-you :) <3

so as I was saying before my laptop died, I don't think you can love me, more than I love you, one person can't contain all that love!! hahaa & to the other people so what if she made mistakes who are you to judge even the most seemingly perfect people have made mistakes crawl back into your holes.

<3 <3

do you like your smile?

No, it makes my face look fatter than it already is and I have big teeth.

out of all the stuff u have done did you ever stop and think why am i doin this

Yes, all the time, I never did anything to anyone that I didn't think they could handle. I never hurt a weak person with any of the nasty things I did. They were all never strong people. People make out on here that I killed someone jezzzzz. I think some of you are completely off.


Language: English