
Matahari Dyah

Ask @mataharianne

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What's your opinion about introverted person? and what type of personality do you mostly leaning to? (in/ex)

I'm more of an introvert

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Is there a dish you always wanted to try?

I want Pablo Cheesecake.
Simple as that
Anyway I just read The Girl On The Train in 2 days and now my life is hollow thanks, Paula.

Choose any company in the world you would like to run - what is the first thing you would do?

Pls why this platform getting so boring each day :(

saran buat anak anak yg lulus tahun ini..

Terutama untuk yang lulus SMA: Find your passion is not a bullshit, DON'T hang up on your dream just to get in to any univ you can get yourself into.
Liked by: Agam Fadhel SYasmine

Hai. Share dong your fondest memory back in high school.. 😊

Not the best memory but I deeply remember how I fell for this guy who turned out to be my lifelong teacher. He realized that it's stupid to be in relationship with me and left. It was a terrible 8 months cause we both didn't really understand the value behind a relationship. I'm not proud of the experience but I'm glad that I learnt a great deal of lesson from it :)
Liked by: Adani A.

Hi Ais. Selamat ya, buat mun-nya, you deserve it. Semoga dimudahkan segala urusan kedepannya. Jangan lupa banyakin membaca isu terkini, banyak latihan diskusi, ama jangan lupa banyak berdoa. All the best for you...

Well thank you.... It's a long way to go but I believe it's worth it.
Thanks again!

Well if it is a fiction book ive been a long fan of cressida cowell's, long before how to train your dragon has been put into film. I like the honest story, humors, and of course the cute-yet-messy illustrations. I knew them since elementary and reading them make me feel my childhood is never-end

Nice books :)
I think, one can tell a person's character by books she/he read.

Thanks for answering though. Anyway, it's been always attractive to see a women that love reading books. Do you think it's occured the same way if you see a men that love reading and have a good insight about anything?

For me, yes. It's nice to see men/women who basically love to open their mind for new knowledge. Mind to share your readings?

Books give a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything. -Books Rock My World- I heard that you love reading books. So, if you would like to tell me, what kind of books did you like?

If you scroll down a bit you'll find what I usually read a year ago.
Tidak banyak yang berubah, masih suka baca novel fiksi berbau misteri, bildungsroman (now I know the right diction for coming-of-age-story!), young adult, sci-fi. Sekarang juga mulai suka baca biografi, autobiografi, sejarah, dan lain-lain yang menarik!
Thanks for asking, jadi mau menutup laptop dan mulai baca buku.

kemarin temen yang pas jaga stand dipammits siapa ya?

Hm banyak... Mungkin bisa lebih spesifik yang mana?

haloo annee aktif lagi di bem kaya kemarin sma ikut an mpk hehe? Btw apa kabarr??

Wah jarang ada orang yg panggil selain Ais lho.
Alhamdulillah banget I can get to meet my family dis week yaaayyyy. Kebetulan tahun pertama belum bisa ikutan BEM, hanya kepanitiaan acara sama UKM nih.

No one has ever been being my 4 am thoughts lately. But wait, play me those waltz, please. This epochal change is so infectious. Would you like to stay in my fictive contemporary world?

Who are you this is weird but thnk you why is this question remind me bout someone

gimana kak buku misteriusnya udah selesai bacanyaa? bagus nggaaak wkwk anon ikut penasaran

Sadly belum :( bagus kok typical american romance gitu. Tapi masih penasaran sama sendernya, selalu pas lagi baca main tebak sendiri siapa sendernya hehehe
Liked by: SYasmine

pap apa aja

Someone just sent me a book yesterday via periplus. With no name of the sender...
Bless her/him who kindly lighten up my life :(
Liked by: SYasmine

Bedanya facial cleanser, facial wash, facial scrub, facial foam itu apa sih? &masing2 manfaat bagi wajah kita?

U can ask google about that for a credible answer ok?
I have no idea for the difference but I know one thing,
itu semua buat bersihin muka, right?^^
Liked by: SYasmine

He left gitu aja abis ngasi kue?? ada sesuatu kak? a little bit strange ya.............

He left maybe because I implicitly told him to??? Ah gatau ah
Liked by: SYasmine

Hbd kak! sori telat ahihihi.... story waktu birthday kemaren dong kak!

Aaa makasii!
Pagi2 bangun tidur udah diucapin selamat ulang tahun sama Devina (fyi dia juga ultah 23 Juli) terus keliling suhat bagi2 nasi buat tukang sampah sama bunda sekalian latihan nyetir. Ku kira udah gitu aja.
Jam 20.30 Heli sama Devina main ke rumah terus ngobrol ngalor ngidul.
Bbrp saat kemudian ada 2 orang di depan pager, bawa kue & kado. Tapi awkward. I dont expect him to come up with such effort. But I thanked him then he left. Terus bertiga maem kuenya. Habis setengah. Tq
Liked by: SYasmine

Happy birthday mba Ais, have a good one :)

Thank you, Hun. Alhamdulillah I had a great one! You keep answering on this site ya smartass :3
Liked by: SYasmine

what are you in 10 years

Still human, I guess, if zombie plague still a science fiction. More mature and probably married.
What kind of people are you asking this kind of question at midnight
Liked by: SYasmine

what are the things that had keep you busy lately?

Polenak Kaastengels is here to serve your appetite! Hanya dengan 28k kalian bisa merasakan satu toples kaastengels nikmat dengan keju yang mantap dan bikin nagih :3
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Hmm alright i'll try and read it. Maybe, what kind of favor?

I was about to ask you to press the anon button so your name would appear but forget it. who am I to anons like youuuu ye gak

Maybe you can give me another recommendation of writers of those 3 genre?

Gillian Flynn, Haruki Murakami, Agatha Christie, John Grisham, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Stephen King, Lois Lowry those are great best-selling writer ok u should try to read them. Btw maybe you can try some of the classic? Bagus untuk memperluas taman bacaan. Can you do me a favor?

Uhm... I don't know many of detective story cause in fact i've only read Dan Brown's on that genre. For new/young-adult & sci-fi i think i can cover you with some writers here : Colleen Hover, Jojo Moyes, Katja Milay, Katie McGarry, J. Green, Jenniver Niven, Rosamund hodge, Sarah J. Maas, & Susan Ee

Whoa ok thanks gurl much love xoxo

Well i had to know it first, so i know what kind of writer's you read and which you should

Hmm let's say that I breathe detective story. For refreshment I like some young-adults or coming-of-age. Science fiction is good when the thirst of imagination highly needed. Clear enough? Or maybe you can give me your line ID for more talk?

Pretty good. So may you list writers whose books you have read please so maybe i can give you a suggestion?

Can u just give me names of the author or the title? Because writing the list just kinda exhausting and I can't remember some of em and I don't want to be called book-snot.

What thoughts that people often said to you?

Thoughts about good literature or newest movies or songs we liked or models or something in the news or politics or my life or their life or life in general or dreams or future or past or anything. Basically I have several person I can talk any thought with

kak matahari aku butuh pencerahan nih. kak kalo misal pacar kakak barengin cewek lain , terus pake di mobilnya pacar kakak ada sekeluarga komplit , ada mama papa adek pacar kakak. perasaannya kakak gimana? kok aku kayak nyesek ya :( tp aku overprotective kalo ngelarang , iya kan?

U kno the answer, hun. Nevertheless, if you're feeling uncomfortable with it you can ask your boyfriend about it (relax ya tanyanya ga usah marah2 kan ntar mlz). Cheer up, positive thinking dulu yah tapi :)

Tips moveon?

Instead of walk away from your ex and get rid of the memories, try this:
1. Greet him pas ketemu di jalan and tell yourself "Yeah it's your ex, the walking-memory-of-unhappy-and-failed-relationship, it's okay you've brushed your teeth this morning, now let him see those smile!"
2. Write those memories, best writings written by broken-hearted and scientifically said, by writing your traumatized past can help you to accept and eventually forget it (ha!)
3. Percayalah jodoh di tangan Allah.
Thank me later

menurutmu gimana nih cowo yang pacarannya lamaa, eh pas putus cepet banget punya yang baru

And that's a problem because??? Yaudah sih terserah si cowok he knows his own value.

enak gak sih kak jadi anak organisasi? aku mau masuk sma bingung mau ikut organisasi apa nggak . would u mind to give ur photo with em???? makasih kak^^

Enak lah! bakal banyak pengalaman yang kamu dapet yang berguna buat kedepannya, bantu character building lah pokoknya. But, jangan sampe ganggu pelajaran ok.
Ini pas farewell huhu (yes, I'm the one in the back) (I'm not good at selfies) (more like a photobomb) (yaudahlah)

oh i think you like John Green's book then am i right? and which one do you prefer fantasy or a thriller novel? Murakami? wooah that's pretty though

Yesss, but other than Green's are fine by me. Definitely thriller! Because I grew up on Agatha Christie and Sherlock Holmes then I fell in love some more because of Gillian Flynn.
Yes, but this kind of thing pretty inevitable though. Sometimes you should spend your time reading some classics or history or even autobiography. Turns out Murakami is fine, refreshing even, and want more of him!

you seem kinda like a 'book geek' don't you? do you have a goodreads account? what do you think about Jennifer Niven's and Colleen Hoover's?

No, I don't have one :)
Aaah Niven the one who wrote All Bright Places? On my book-to-read list! Kalo ga salah bakal dijadiin film starring Elle Fanning tuh. I never heard about the other one.
Speaking of books, I just finished Norwegian Wood and what can I say, Murakami really know how to twist people's heart.

saya bingung knp org2 seneng kalo amerika menperbolehkan pernikahan sesama jenis. bukankah manusia diciptakan berpasangan? apakah ini bukan suatu tanda bahwa kiamat semakin dekat? menurut kalian gimana?

As a human being, I accept people despite their sexual orientation because why should I? As long as they don't do any harm to society, I'm okay.
For reminder, you can't choose who you fall in love with, it's within the blood. See this thing as if you were born didn't fit gender binaries, and you'll get it.
Sorry I can't say any argument from Islamic view karena belum pernah baca literatur berbau gender binaries/sexual orientation.
Liked by: Afina Faza Fariha

hai kakak , mau tanya. misal ada orang , dia suka banget tuh ngepost foto di ig , pake hotpants , pusernya keliatan , dan another foto syur. but dia di ask.fm islamiah gt , yg post how many likes for kabbah kah dll. wdyt ? it is fine to dislike(nohate) people like that?

Sometimes, judgement we made toward people can reflect who we really are. You're not her don't you? You know by doing what she did you will consider yourself as a hypocrite and you don't like it.
You have the awareness, keep it. But by letting yourself looking for "pembenaran" won't make you any better. So, let her be. Let people think for themselves. You know your value.
Indeed, the hypocrites will be in the lowest depths of the Fire - and never will you find for them a helper - [An-Nisa: 145]
Berdoa aja buat dia biar diberi pencerahan.


Language: English