
Matahari Dyah

Ask @mataharianne

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don't u have inisiatif for banda neira to be a guest star nevasca tahun ini? i mean that sekali kali indie nya yg kualitas dong wkw

Firly Afro
udah usul atuh mas afro tapi massa nya banda neira di malang kurang banyak kayaknya. keren bet pasti kalo misal nvsc ada banda neira nya :')

What kind of movies do you most enjoy?

drama romantic yang ada comedy nya jugaa, tipikal film cewek lah. sci-fi juga suka. action boleh. pokoknya semuanya yg bisa bikin nangis tak liat wk

What is the most important thing to know?

dalam pacaran jangan ada yg namanya posesif. perhatian boleh tapi jangan berlebihan. yg parah ya misal kita dilarang deket ama temen baik kita yg lawan jenis. kalo deket dikit cerita2 dikit ngambek. orang ngejalin hubungan kan ya atas dasar percaya. ya tau pingin dijagain terus cewe/cowonya tapi gak usah terlalu ngekang, let them free, tugas kamu cuma ngingetin mereka waktu kelewat batas.

Who do you trust more, your friends or your parents?

kalo suruh milih ya lebih percaya ortu. tapi kadang ga bisa cerita apa aja kalo ke ortu rasanya aneh gituuu wkwk
Liked by: Agis

kamu suka apaan sih dr smansa? sekolahnya kan kaya kuno getohhhh trs kayanya boring abesss

emang yah pertama masuk sini tuh suasananya aja udah bikin ngantuk tapi setelah lama mengenal lingkungan makin ngerti kl smansa emang ngutamain akademik (which is not my type) tapi yaaah alhamdulillah ketemy temen2 yg asik jd ga tambah boring
Liked by: Agis

menurut lo apa sih artinya pacaran? secara gebetan lo banyak

wushhhh iye gebetan banyak (dulu) tapi pacar satu aja lah. pacaran itu... apa yah gue jg masi bertanya2 si tapi so far buat gue pacaran itu berbagi hidup sama orang yg bisa bikin lo senyum lagi pas lo nangis dalam itungan detik. pacaran jg buat ngedewasain diri sih, belajar simpati sama empati.
Liked by: Agis

kok putus sm mas helmi knp? kalian cocok bgt taugaaa

Hehe dulu masi blm dewasa wkt sm mas hel. masi blm bisa bagi waktu dan perhatian, mas helmi jadi korban deh...

What’s your favorite clothing brand?

thank god i'm not the person who 'defined' by their clothing brand. i don't really care with brand I am wearing, as long as it comfortable. I'd wear it

What’s your motto?

the more you give, the more you'll get. right? it's like another word of karma and it works in every aspect of life.

Do you love the World you live in?

I love it even more with less money politics. hahaananjir ngurus banget yah ama gituan

Who was the last person you said thank you to?

tukang parkir kerta yang hampir setiap hari dengan sabar menjaga motorkuuu:')

Is your favorite time the past, present or the future?

i've always like to live in the present, but i always remember my past to be grateful and always think about my future to be optimistic

What worries you the most?

lately i've been worried about a lot of things. my boyfriend, school, my parents, my goals and it's stressing me out :'
Liked by: chewchew

What was your first paying job?

hmm actually it was in elementary school when I started to be paid as a model on a few local catwalk shows then I continue to be announcer in a small show at a local radio. it was fun to be paid for doing what you love to do

What’s the one book you think everyone should read?

the nanny diaries. my personal favorite book for years

What's your dream job?

hmm I'd love to be an artist you know... having my own artwear brand or record label, create art like everyday

What color pencil you use for drawing?

hmm i don't use color pencil but i use faber castell permanent marker

What quality do you value most in your friends?

faith and the capability of giving advice wkwkw because i need it

If you could leave tomorrow with a one-way ticket, where would you go?

Los Angeles and I'll never come back hehe

What's the longest you've waited in line and what were you waiting for?

hummmmmn sering kayaknya tapi yang keinget ya kemarin beli burger. pesen via telpon dari jam 6. nunggu disana dari jam setengah 9. baru pulang jam setengah 11. buat burger yang abis ga sampe 10 menit.....

Do you think that money can buy love?

no lah. money can't buy love but it might can buy you one night lovers (read:whores)


Language: English