

Ask @mikeymeows

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I've heard many rumors about the first and the last. Most people are saying they are divine. I don't really know what to believe though. Any thoughts on the matter?

it's a mystery. Call the inspector.

Please help our city Sherlock Diabetes. The plague of diabetes is rampant in the streets. We need your help D:

i will point and shout at every diabetic person
Liked by: Georgie Sullivan

I'm female.. if that's what you are asking haha

haha i would hope so, depends on if i like you or not though.

Lileolp nahgarl yopideim dorwan mantor hackaro spandolu quip lotan eghorb banaby


Man it's not your fault that you're like this now. Tbh I like how you are now, maybe abit more than before. Anyone can be funny and fun but not everyone can be insightful, caring and knowledgable.

this is kind of ridiculously nice. Thankyou.

Hey this is just A VEry normal and SErious teXt WITH no hidden MEaning whatsoever


Do you usually cry during sex?... I do but it's when I'm fucking them with a sledgehammer and I can't stop laughing

haha what even!

No but seriously. Like, if you are with a girl, would you? A lot of guys don't

yeah depends on the girl, but if i like her enough then sure

You are so unfriendly nowadays. You seriously need to get some pussy and/or drugs and cheer up.

This sucks and is so true. Id love to know who this is anyway just out of curiosity.

it's just that when we talk, which is pretty much almost never because of this, you don't seem to be that interested or anything so I sort of get all awkward and make shit conversation and then you just stop talking.. that's why I think I annoy you

Well that's weird idk, talk to me some time and tell me this was you maybe I'm just being lazy

Are you currently taking any precautions to prevent terrorists from putting earwax in your food?

I've got nicholas cage convinced that there is cursed ottoman gold in my pantry and fridge so he's pretty intent on keeping it safe from obnoxious swedish men guys and terrorists.
Liked by: Michael

How many times a day you you eat earwax?

hopefully never, although terrorists could be planting it in my food for all i know and then it would probably be like 3 times

I think you're great, honestly, but I think I annoy you :|

maybe i think you're great too! i am never annoyed haha


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