
Gabby Pali

Ask @milkmochi

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Dear friend, i have a problem with my skin, uneneven skin tone and oily face as well. I saw your review on Garnier Light Complete Set, Does it really work for me,because I'm planning to buy it on tomorrow

Hi there! Looking from your concern, Garnier Light Complete Set might be a good choice for our skin type. However I couldn't guarantee that it will works 100% on everyone since our skin could reacts differently.
I would suggest you to try on their facial foam and serum first before purchasing the full set. If there aren't any allergic reactions or breakouts (which is a good sign), you can purchase the remaining products such as day cream and night cream. Hope it helps :)

numpang nanya, aku pny masalah pas ngelepasin contact lens terutama sblh kiri. koq bisa ya? pdhl pas ngelepas yg kanan ga perna bermasalah. giliran yg kiri selalu susah ngelepasinnya. ada yg tau solusinya? :( aku sk bgt pake contact lens tp klo gni trus jd pgn pensiun .___.

Aku juga sering ngalamin ini nih... Biasanya kalau contact lensnya kering juga bisa bikin susah dilepas, kadang aku suka tetesin obat tetes mata khusus contact lens baru dilepas. Banyak-banyak latihan ajaa karena cara memakai dan melepas contact lens buat setiap orang berbeda-beda. Good luck ya :)

oh iya mau nanya nih kalo yg di price nya itu udah komplit ya ? maksudnya misalnya kecantum 500 apa ntar bakal ada tmbahan lebih lagi atau engga ? hehe. mohon jawabannya ^^

iya sesuai harga yang tercantum kok hehehe... baiknya kamu konsultasi dulu ke pihak shunji-nya jadi mereka bisa lihat kira-kira kamu butuh jenis treatment apa aja supaya hasilnya lebih maksimal juga :)

Language: English