
Mimie Haris

Ask @millymie

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salam mimi.aku nak tanya, kau mmg ada buat bet single sampai graduate kn? jadi tu ke sebab kau reject semua orang?

Eh bukan sebab bet tuuu. Tuuu saje saje jeee. Akuuuu memang takde perasaan la. Lagipun aku letak hati aku kat tangan Allah. Bila tiba masanya untuk aku terima seseorang tu, aku harap Allah tunjukkan yang itulah jodoh aku.
Liked by: Inchefadhli

Asal askfm kau slalu org tanya dohhh jelez aku

Hahaha tadi soalan soalan dah lama la. As in aku dah lama tak bukak ni haa baru rajin nak check.
Liked by: Inchefadhli

Why are you still single?

I havent find the right one. Yet I am still in the midst of studying. Which I want to focus more than having a relationship which may or may not last.
Liked by: Inchefadhli

Have you ever thought of getting back together with Amirul?

Oh of course I had thought of it. But I guess it is kind of impossible as he broke up with me for a reason. And that reason is solid enough and make me what I am now.
Liked by: Inchefadhli

2 tahun kt utp takkan kau tak berkenan kt sesiapa lagi mie.

This year baru fresh start. Last year aku dilemma tak move on lagi. Hahahaha. So now takde lagi la.
Liked by: Inchefadhli

describe classmates : 1. 2003 2. 2004 3. 2005 4. 2006 5. 2007 6. 2008 7. 2009 8. 2010 9. 2011 10. 2012 11. 2013

2003 Cengeng
2004 Omey
2005 Gila Gila
2006 Neutral
2007 Bising
2008 Pandai
2009 Variety
2010 Karaoke Box
2011 Havoc Awesome
2012 Genius
2013 Togetherness
Liked by: Inchefadhli

mak oi. UTP. 1 sem yuran 10 k? mahal la. abis makan minum, tpt tinggal tu smua masuk skali ke?

Haaaa tak termasuk. Anggaran spend sebulan RM300. Satu sem ada 4 bulan. So RM1200 just untuk makan minum. Plus RM10k yuran so RM11k la. More or less gitu.
Liked by: Inchefadhli

haha...saya x pro mcm kak mimi laa...btw kak mimi mmg terbaik...(Y) ^^ thanks 4 everything sister :P hehee

Eh hai Nazihahhhh. Hahaha. Sure kiddo. Welcome. Eventhough I dont know what you mean. Haha.


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