

Ask @misswhobb

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¿Eres alérgico a algo?

No estoy alérgico a nada! (omg estoy estudiando espanol ahora en universidad gracias por su pregunta) - necesito practicaR

What are your memories from this winter? Tell me, please :з

covid college and my new job that i want to quit so bad but i don't have the nerve lmaoo

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Are you for or against trading kias? If yes/no, why?

if it really makes both people happy (ie no connection with their old one AND they have each had the kias for awhile) then I approve but if it is just to get a "prettier" or "cooler" one then that's not really ok in my book

What is your Zodiac Sign? Your characters can answer, as well.

mine is Sagittarius ( my birthday is actually the 23rd of this month c: ) and amai... she actually can't remember her birthday at all, so no sign cx

where have you been?

oh ive been really busy with my sophomore yr of high school and not a lot of time for the internet hehe but i have to make time because i miss it too much <33

Adult/Teen Babies/Diaper lovers, as in Teens or Adults acting like babies. (to last question)

oh um they are kinda ridiculous unless i know them closely

Why is it that when you transport something by car, it is called a shipment, but when you transport something by ship, it is called cargo?

i have no idea that is deep dude
Liked by: Chia Fox

Have you ever watched videos of your 'guilty pleasure' that weren't even dirty but made you nervous to watch anyway?

i think so lol

What do you think of the song shake it off?

i liked half of the song the first time i heard it. any other time after that made me want to scratch my ears out and slowly burn them

What gets longer when pulled, fits between breasts, inserts neatly in a hole, and works best when jerked? A Seatbelt

oh thats great really

Your favorite nursery beans? Don't have to be newer ones, can be as old as NB #1.

Any tips for a new-ish artist desperately trying to improve? ;w; Thank you!

tips from me?? i'm flattered!!! well, all i can suggest is to try your hardest, and practice as often as you can! also, don't get too frustrated with yourself - practice makes progress, not perfection. develop your own style, and keep working at it until you find one you're happy with. just keep doing you and everything will turn out great.

What is your ethnicity/nationality?

caucasian - my family says we're mutts because we come from all over, but our last name is German


Language: English