
Andrejs Vītoliņš

Ask @murmulislv

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What are your major goals in life?

As I still can not find any reason to live, major goal at this moment is to find this f***** reason..

Ko Tu novēli saviem ienaidniekiem?

sēdiet savā smilšukastē un nelieniet manā, ja ne ar lāpstiņu pa ēdamo caurumu..

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Which of the 7 Deadly Sins do you associate the most with (lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride)?


Kāda ir labākā atrakcija?

visspilgtāk atmiņā ir palicis lēciens ar gumiju Siguldā.. adrenalīna pilna pakaļa..

What is a goal you would like to accomplish in one month? In six months?

to be alive.. still alive

Are you a Harry Potter fan? Who is your favorite character in the series?

movies are ok, and that is all..

What is the meaning of grace to you and how would you say it exists in your life?

no grace to nobody.. it leads to lazyness

What are your views on abortion? Are you pro-choice or pro-life?

use condoms, and you will have no to choose..

How does one become a living manifestation of divinity?

I am not sure there is answer to this question..

When is your birthday? Do you usually have any traditions when it comes to celebrating your birthday?

my birthday is on 19th of june.. last year I did notihing, but it is almost tradition to invite my frends and celebrate in different crasy ways..

What do you think it is that we fear most about death?

as I understand, we all will die sooner or later and you can fear we about it or no - nothing will change.. so why I need to lose energy in thinking about death..

Do you believe in polygamy, or monogamy? Why?

one bich one problem, two - double more more problems..

Tu labāk vēlētos būt policists vai bandīts?

Ir dienas kad gribas būt teroristam un uzlaist visu gaisā..

What is the most dangerous thing you have ever done?

I burned barn in my chilhood.. it was dangerous no only to my, but also for my brother and sister..

If money were not an object, what would you do with your life?

I will live.. what else you can do..

How did you become who you are today?

You know, it was my father who meet my mother, they come together and made me.. other is shell builded by surrounding people..

Which would you choose, true love with a guarantee of a heart break or have never loved before?

I will choose to sleep an hour..

What is your zodiac sign? Do you believe in astrology? Why or why not?

Gemini is my sign.. astrology is indifferent to me.. if you want to belive I will not interfere you..

Do you drink tea? What's your favorite kind of tea?

I realy like tea.. but it is difficult to answer what kind of tea is my favourite, but I know a like different herbal teas.. not like in shops, but self collected on flower meadow..

If you had only 24 hours to live, what would you do?

I will live.. You must not wait moment, you will have only 24 hours, you can start to live now..

Par ko pēdējo reizi meloji?

Ar to melošanu ir dīvaini.. šobrīd neatceros par ko pēdējo reizi samlojos, bet esmu sevi pieķēris pie tā ka reizēm samelojos par kautkādiem nenozīmīgiem sīkumiem.. pats stulbākais ir tas ka nekādas vajadzības nav to darīt, bet savas kļudas ir grūti atzīt, un tad vēl gribas izskatīties labākam citu acīs.. kautkā tā..

Kādu vēsturisku notikumu Tu vēlētos piedzīvot?

A ko H. Jēkaba laiki liekas gana interesanti.. varbūt aizdotots uz Tobāgo dzīvot..

If you could breathe water like sea mammals and still breathe air, where would you choose to live your life, on land or in the sea?

I will choose land, there ar more female from specie i represent..

Do you believe gay marriage should be legalized globally? Why or why not?

You can do whatever you like, but dont touch me and I will no touch you.. For me it is not important are you normal vodka drinker or fat ass gay drinker.. both are deep indifferent for me..

What invention do you wish never existed?

I am not sure I want to spend my time to think out really what is the worst invention.. I have a lot to do more interesting things

What do you think would be the hardest thing for you to give up?

smoking? .. but I am not smoking..

Why, in your opinion, is it that people focus so much on beauty, instead of wit?

I did not noticed that.. level of beauty = bottles of wine, level of wit = bottles of wine, good mud = some bottles of wine.. conclusion you need only some bottles of wine and you will have no problems at all..

Kura ir smieklīgākā persona, ko pazīsti?

vienīgais klauns ģimenē esmu es pats.. izdevīgi, ja ir drūmi ir visas iespējas mēģināt sevi sasmīdināt..

Would you rather have the ability to fly, or the ability to breathe underwater?

I choose to fly.. I fly often in my dreams, i want to try in reality..

Vai ir kaut kas, ko Tu nožēlo?

Varbūt.. cenšos tā nedarīt, un tā arī sanāk.. brīžiem izdodas aizmirst visu to kas pēķšņi būtu jānožēlo..


Language: English