

Latest answers from Mary

That speechless moment when…

You see how much is crazy the life in Hollywood and you can't get ANYTHING.

Anon, I have to say that is what Nina and Ian have been doing this entire time. They are PRETENDING to be happy without each other. That's something NO ONE can deny, unfortunatelly.

mydelenaheaven’s Profile PhotoMary
But who am I to tell them what to do? It's sad to say and see, but that was their choices and they are completely guilty. Ian was too weak and Nina was too immature.

" ... unshave..." Ian likes to wear a beard. He always does that when he's not filming. What happens now is that he's a tense face, with a half smile and a beard maximizes this air of negligence. It is missing twinkle in his eye and on his face. He is gloomy.


"He looked trapped." Sometimes I feel bad having these bad perceptions about I see and I think I'm wrong. So I see it all over again, I feel bad and I can not feel different. I really think there's something wrong in all this. I always thought, but things have gone too far, and now... :(

That's the truth.

i couldnt agree more with your tweet about ian. something just isnt right. red eyes and unshaved.he says that he is happy,but his eyes show something else,when talking about ikki he avoids the camera.he was really uncomfortable when he said that she designed his ring.he looked trapped.


You're the one with the reliable source providing the evidence, but strange how her "neighbor" doesn't live in the same apartment block huh?

What? You gotta be kidding me! I said "WE HAVE AN EVIDENCE" and I NEVER said I had sources, you dumb.
And I said that because I saw the pics she posted in October of 2013. She might moved to another place now days, so please use your brain.

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