

Ask @mylifeascera

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Opinion on amina hussain, ellie brophy, sophie Collins, emily rob, lucy thomas, hannah watson, megan ruston, raha khosrajshuwnhi, mack ekersalli, ellie collins

Amina is beautiful,lovely and perfect
ellie is beautiful,lovely,perfect and adorable
Sophie- not close to her,not interested in being close to her
idk Emily well
Lucy is beautiful and is my frank turner buddy
Hannah is beautiful and lovely
idk Megan very well but seems lovely
Raha is loud and hits me but I love her
idk mack
ellie Collins gives me dirty looks so yeah

wow omg daisy though when Miss was behind her and she was talking about penis' i literally died omg

AHAHHAHAHA I know me too,everyone was serious when I just burst out laughing then wen she was like 'its okay girls,I've heard those words before' and then we all just burst out laughing xD


Language: English