

Ask @nazihahlukman

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When you are under stress, do you prefer to be alone or do you seek comfort in friends?

prefer to be alone .

What was the happiest moment of your life?

when i was got flying colour's in my result in any examination . not only on pmr , mid year or final exam . but for happiest moment is when my family and i united together and spending our time for family

What does freedom mean to you?

for me freedom is something that make us happy in our own life and we can cooperate and united together in one country :)

What talent do you wish you'd been born with?

bijak dalam semua hal mungkin . tapi saya hanya manusia biasa yang sering silap :)

How will you celebrate the end of the world?

i just spending my time in home and waiting for my result in pmr , and 2 days ago i went to school to get my result ,, alhamdulilah my result is not bad ..

Language: English