

番 help me please ?:3

番 (ばん) is a counter word for numbers, be it in superlative, or ordinal. For example 1番 is "the most, the no.1°". Another suffix (目) could be also used in ordinal numbers: 1番目 first, 2番目 second, 3番目 third.
For example 2番線 is "the track no.2" (on a train station).
Compounds include 順番(じゅんばん, turn, order, secuence), 番号(ばんごう, number, digits)
Also is used with the meaning of "performance, in duty, keep watch", which is where compounds like these takes its meaning: 出番(でばん one's turn) 本番(ほんばん actual performance -against practice-) 交番(こうばん, police box) 当番(とうばん, being on duty) 留守番(るすばん watching the house, care-taking)

Latest answers from 日本語

how do i say "in 1/2/3/... days" in japanese? for example: "my birthday is in 2 days"

you can say "in _ days" with the counter for days and the suffix 後(go) of after,later.
誕生日は5日後です / tanjôbi ha itsuka go desu. / (my) birthday is in five days
you can use the days as subject too:
6日後は私の誕生日です / muika go ha watashi no tanjôbi desu / my birthday is in 6 days.
for 1 or 2 days you can use "tomorrow" or "after tomorrow"
明日は/明後日は誕生日です : tomorrow/the day after tomorrow is (my) birthday.

How do I say "when"? Like for example in the context of "When X happens, Y always starts talking."

There is a dozen ways to conditionals in japanese. The basics are -したら and -すると.

I was looking through it and you seem to give out some very handy answers when it comes to the Japanese language. Was thinking I could leave questions here in the future.

Whenever you want ;)

how do i say i started to do something - example: "i started to watch anime"

You conjugate the verb in 連用形 ("-masu" form without the "-masu") and add the verb 始める (hajimeru)
アニメをみます (I watch anime)
アニメをみ・はじめます (I('ll) start watching anime)
アニメをみはじめました (I started to watch anime) -now in past tense
日本語の勉強をします - I study (do study of) japanese
日本語の勉強をしはじめました - I started studying japanese

is it true, a kanji have 2 or more sound?

Yes, that's right. Some have one, some have two, some have a lot of readings.

ありがとうーbtw, do you check your ask everyday or do you get an e-mail when you recieve a new question? :D

Email ;)

what does 気にしないほうがいい mean?

"It's better if you don't worry about it". It's suggesting you that you shouldn't pay attention/worry about something. Depending on context, it can have a small nuance of threat.

Language: English