

人 - when do i say "jin" and when "hito"? for example this sentence: 本を読まない人は、頭がよくない。

ひと is the kun-yomi and thus is often used in japanese words, like 人(ひと), 人人(ひとびと), and じん is a on-yomi, and appears in compounds and as one of the suffixes: 外国人(がいこくじん), 人口(じんこう), 人格(じんかく),人生(じんせい).
However, 人 is a kanji with several irregular uses, and part of words that looks like compounds but from japanese origin, so even in compounds you'll find it as にん or ひと: 人気(にんき),人目(ひとめ),人出(ひとで),人数(ひとかず),人波(ひとなみ).
Even on suffixes, you'll have じん and にん: アメリカ人(あめりかじん) and 代理人(だいりにん)
And as a counter, is にん except for 一人(ひとり) 二人(ふたり)
In your example, 人 is a noun for "person", so it's ひと.

Latest answers from 日本語

how do i say "in 1/2/3/... days" in japanese? for example: "my birthday is in 2 days"

you can say "in _ days" with the counter for days and the suffix 後(go) of after,later.
誕生日は5日後です / tanjôbi ha itsuka go desu. / (my) birthday is in five days
you can use the days as subject too:
6日後は私の誕生日です / muika go ha watashi no tanjôbi desu / my birthday is in 6 days.
for 1 or 2 days you can use "tomorrow" or "after tomorrow"
明日は/明後日は誕生日です : tomorrow/the day after tomorrow is (my) birthday.

How do I say "when"? Like for example in the context of "When X happens, Y always starts talking."

There is a dozen ways to conditionals in japanese. The basics are -したら and -すると.

I was looking through it and you seem to give out some very handy answers when it comes to the Japanese language. Was thinking I could leave questions here in the future.

Whenever you want ;)

how do i say i started to do something - example: "i started to watch anime"

You conjugate the verb in 連用形 ("-masu" form without the "-masu") and add the verb 始める (hajimeru)
アニメをみます (I watch anime)
アニメをみ・はじめます (I('ll) start watching anime)
アニメをみはじめました (I started to watch anime) -now in past tense
日本語の勉強をします - I study (do study of) japanese
日本語の勉強をしはじめました - I started studying japanese

is it true, a kanji have 2 or more sound?

Yes, that's right. Some have one, some have two, some have a lot of readings.

ありがとうーbtw, do you check your ask everyday or do you get an e-mail when you recieve a new question? :D

Email ;)

what does 気にしないほうがいい mean?

"It's better if you don't worry about it". It's suggesting you that you shouldn't pay attention/worry about something. Depending on context, it can have a small nuance of threat.

Language: English