
Nina Orlovski

Ask @ninaapaulinaa

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Who knows the most about you?

No one honestly. Lol
But if I had to choose someone it'd probably be my best friend, Erika.

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What's a popular food you find disgusting?

I kinda find pizza disgusting after a while. I have to be in the mood for it

What are the first things you notice when you meet someone?

Clothes, attitude, personality, just almost everything

What is your attitude towards cannibals?

What ever makes you happy but just know that's gross af. & I will judge you

What is your best question to get to know someone?

Idk tbh. I don't really ask questions. I just tell someone to talk to me & they go on about their life story, the usual. I love to listen & give advice.

What makes someone attractive?

The music they listen to.
If they're funny.
Make a good impression on my mom.
Having a beard, lol but not a lot of guys have that so.
Actually care how they dress, like they just don't throw on whatever is clean.
Will sit down & watch the shows I watch.
Well if they enjoy the activities I like, & my guilty pleasures too.

When is the last time you told somone you love them?

Yesterday. To Kevin & Erika. Kevin, bc well he had to go & Erika bc I was going to bed.

What habit that others have annoys you most?

Lying when you know The truth & you give them a chance to tell you.
Being two faced.
Quick to judge me.
Being mean.
Just being near me.
Talking to me.
Looking at me.
There's a lot more but I'd be writing books.


Language: English