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who are your favorite mappers and why? just curious

Umm, who is this by the way D:
I've had this covered in my userpage though, here you go :
who are your favorite mappers and why just curious

Kenapa makan mie di piring cepat adem di banding makan mie di mangkok ?😊

Karena faktor luas permukaan. Berdasarkan Hukum Pendinginan Newton (Newton's Law of Cooling)¹, perubahan panas seiring waktu (dQ/dt) itu berbanding lurus dengan luas permukaan benda (A) sehingga mie yang ditempatkan di atas piring (terutama piring yang lebar) pada umumnya akan mendingin lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan mie yang ditempatkan di atas mangkok.
...yes, ini jawaban benerannya berdasarkan kaidah fisika btw hehe (*^-^)~
Kenapa makan mie di piring cepat adem di banding makan mie di mangkok

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"They say wisdom can be found even in the unlikeliest of all things - that is, if you know where to look."
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Pagi. Selamat beraktivitas. Have nice day 👌

Encouraging words are always welcomed. Have a nice day as well! ღゝ◡╹)ノ

Apa sih yang ada di pikiran orang jenius ??

I think it's best for everyone to inquire for the answer by exploring deep to one's own mindset I believe - a good starting point would be to change the viewpoint to "how" (relating to the process) or "why" (relating to the reasoning behind) instead of simply "what (is being inside)".
Never stop seeking, as every mind has its own tremendous potential. Best of luck.

What do girls want?

"...but you're beautiful!" he exclaimed, cracking the noises within. "You truly are."
Filled with disbelief, she shivered in static as the gentle sound of the man echoed in her head. It had been an eternity since she was last serenaded with the praise of elegance, as she has long forfeited herself in the pursuit of beauty. Deep inside her heart she understood very well that she's not born with what the qualities the society often sees in a "beautiful woman", yet the pressure of the "you must be beautiful in order to get people like you" paradigm that she felt from others were so overwhelming to the point that she chose to often remain anonymously sheltered in the background in her charitable actions. She couldn't really explain why - there's simply a particular feeling of comfort in her being accounted for what she did instead of for how she was being visually portrayed in others' eyes. After all, it's always the smiles that she had always been longing and prizing for.
"...I am?"
"Yes. I'll say this once more - you truly are."
Her mouth froze yet again, as she was unable to properly construct her reply.
"You shouldn't be surprised. Many of the world's most fascinating noble wonders and mysteries have been kept hidden for decades, as they only intended to reveal themselves to the people of equal nobility who were devoted enough to study them and uncover their shrouds. They know exactly that not every person is deservedly dignified enough to possess recognition of such powerful wisdom. They know exactly that having them being exposed in a plain sight from the very beginning would result in people turning over their powers for unwanted deeds."
"The many understandings of the stars' alignments. The mythical mathematical numbers and constants. These are simply a selected few of the universe's noble miracles that have been staying hidden for years, gracing the world from afar only to reveal its true beauty to certain individuals that have been ready and deserving of the sparkle. You, dear lady, is no exception."
She was left even more bedazzled as the man took a brief pause.
"Everyone's a puzzle, and the more exquisite it is the more sought after it becomes. You're a lady with a heart as pure as snow whose works have brought light upon darkness. You may not feel confident of your appearance - or the shackling convention of beauty that has been forked upon needlessly - but the wisdom and nobility of your heart are where your true beauty really shines, as by that you've given out bed of roses to many."
"So please, don't ever let anyone lay a stain on that priceless elegance of yours. And please, do know that somewhere out there I will always adore that magnificent shining beauty of yours and yours only truly."
And with that, the mysterious man tipped his hat off while disappeared into the pitch black nightfall as the moonlight fittingly illuminated her genuine smile.

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Bila Melihat Orang Lain Senang.. Apakah Kamu Pun Ikut Senang? Atau Justru Sebaliknya..?

Yes. This is one of the many magic of altruism in which I have depicted before in a previous answer of mine (
Well done on noticing it though, as interestingly enough there are many people I know who are "desperately trying to seek happiness" yet are also being unaware of this simple wisdom. You're on the right path.
Have a lovely day.

Are grammar and punctuation important in social media?

Interesting question.
Based on my experience conversing with the world (through osu! and the likes), in the context of English linguistics I think what's most important is to construct your sentences in a sense so that you can convey your idea properly to your targeted readers. In all fairness I've seen a lot of people (especially the ones whose English isn't their mother language) who have been struggling to perfect their punctuation and grammar and prefer to state their words in a rather simplistic language/short sentences, yet they've been highly regarded for the core meaning embedded on their words.
I'm not saying say that grammar and punctuation aren't important though, as having a proper one on your sentences should make you highly and positively viewed by others as well in many cases (*^-^)

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Mau tanya dong cowo/cewe, biasanya klo cewe suka kasih kado cowonya apa? Klo cowo lebih suka dikasih apa sm cewenya? Pls bantu, lg bingung mau ngasih apa😂

Terima kasih atas pertanyaannya!
Hmm, kamu pernah kepikiran untuk ngasih sesuatu hasil ciptaan sendiri kah? Nggak perlu sesuatu yang terlalu "megah" atau gimana kok, sesuatu yang sederhana juga cukup (:
Kalau boleh sedikit bercerita, saya pribadi pernah memberikan benda-benda yang terlampir pada foto di bawah (buku, pin, dan sticker) sebagai suatu "hadiah" kepada seseorang yang teramat berarti secara pribadi. Keseluruhan benda tersebut merupakan hasil pemikiran dan buah tangan sendiri (kecuali bukunya, yang merupakan proyek yang dikerjakan bersama rekan-rekan satu kelompok kepenulisan), dan - meskipun jujur biaya produksinya tidak terhitung besar (terutama pin yang harga cetak satuannya @Rp5.000,- dan sticker yang per @Rp8.000,- itu sudah bisa cetak 6 unit) - ketika hadiahnya telah sampai ke orang yang bersangkutan, saya langsung dipeluk dengan kata-kata "Kak Niva, kirimannya sangat indah kak, terima kasih banyak" yang disampaikan dengan sangat hangat.
Yah, demikianlah - ada perasaan khusus kok yang mendorong rasa bahagia dalam diri ketika menerima "sesuatu yang hanya ada satu/sedikit di dunia ini dan dibuat khusus dengan penuh rasa kasih untuk orang tersebut." Justru hal tersebutlah yang mendorong suatu hadiah menjadi jauh lebih bernilai daripada nilai nominalnya (:
...btw kalau misalnya kamu tidak dapat/tidak sempat membuat hadiah khusus yang demikian -imo- hadiah sederhana berupa makanan yang sekiranya bisa dimakan bersama-sama (semisal coklat) juga harusnya cukup bisa menjadi hadiah yang baik dan dapat diterima kebanyakan orang kok 。^‿^。

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Mau tanya dong cowocewe biasanya klo cewe suka kasih kado cowonya apa Klo cowo

Mimpi melihat anak perempuanku dikejar oleh orang yang tak dikenal. Arti dari mimpi itu apa ya? Jadi khawatir sama anak perempuanku yg lagi di perantauan:(

Punten Bapak/Ibu, sebelumnya saya mengucapkan banyak terima kasih atas pertanyaannya (:
Saya pribadi bukan seorang psikolog atau ahli tafsir mimpi, namun sebelumnya saya pernah mengutarakan apabila saya memercayai bahwa mimpi seseorang merupakan gambaran dari hal-hal yang berada di pikiran alam bawah sadar orang tersebut ( Sebagaimana yang tertera pada artikel yang saya kutip pada jawaban tersebut, apa yang seseorang impikan sangat berkait dengan kondisi psikologis orang tersebut dan bukan merupakan representasi/pertanda dari apa yang telah/akan terjadi di kehidupan nyata - "if someone dreams of his mother, the mother in Jung's view is not an evocation of the real mother" (Carl Jung Resources, 2017, dikutip dari
Terkait pertanyaan dari Bapak/Ibu sendiri, berdasarkan apa yang saya temukan di internet dengan keyword "dream of seeing someone being chased" rata-rata situs yang saya telusur mengutarakan bahwa mimpi dikejar seseorang/melihat seseorang dikejar merupakan pertanda bahwa Bapak/Ibu memiliki rasa khawatir terhadap sesuatu dan berusaha untuk menghindar dari penyebab kekhawatiran tersebut - "you may be avoiding something painful, annoying or fearful" (Nicoletti, 2011, dikutip dari Mengingat di sini yang dikejar adalah anak perempuan Bapak/Ibu, besar kemungkinan di sini Bapak/Ibu sedang khawatir oleh kondisi anak perempuan Bapak/Ibu di dalam perantauan (terutama terkait kehidupan pribadi anak perempuan Bapak/Ibu). Bila ditarik lebih jauh, mimpi ini dapat menjadi pertanda bahwa Bapak/Ibu memang sangat sayang dan peduli pada anak perempuan Bapak/Ibu dan Bapak/Ibu sangat tidak mengharapkan hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan untuk terjadi kepada anak perempuan Bapak/Ibu.
Then again, seperti yang saya sudah tuliskan sebelumnya, saya bukan seorang ahli di bidang demikian - akan lebih bijak rasanya apabila Bapak/Ibu mengonsultasikan hal ini lebih jauh kepada seseorang yang memang lebih punya banyak pengalaman di dunia psikologi apabila Bapak/Ibu masih merasa kurang yakin. Bagaimanapun juga, saya mengharapkan yang terbaik bagi Bapak/Ibu dan anak perempuan Bapak/Ibu ke depannya, dan semoga putri dari Bapak/Ibu sukses selalu dalam perantauannya (:

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Liked by: 강수경

if you can have a superpower, what you want it to be?

ginaaap’s Profile PhotoGina
Let me tell you a personal story of mine - a reflection upon notions, hopes, and grieves alike.
In my earlier youth I was an aspirant dreamer. I was the kind of person who once gave the moon a glancing stare and shouted "just look, someday I'll get into you!" deep inside my thoughts - and although the "moon" here isn't to be taken literally, this kind of mentality has very much brought me to achieve the most impossible of feats, online and offline abound (I think it's obvious which is the biggest achievement that I've been achieving so far).
As time passed, however, stuffs around me went on a drastic change of direction. I think it was only around 3 years ago in which I was obligated to - or, to say it more accurately, "forcibly" bound to, although it's an optional choice at best - position myself as a trainee of some organizations and committee-ships which demands its underlings to attend a kind of "training" in which perfection is the only acceptable thing and every single mistake - even the slightest one - is a sin which should be punished by severe agitation (ps : looking now actually there implicitly were no significant downfalls if I didn't even opt to join in the first place, but there's that very huge negative stigma hazing around here for those who didn't join the aforementioned groups in the first place)
This was a massive culture shock for me - in the past I've been used to the fact that many - if not most - of my greatest invention were started from a moment of brilliance after taking stuffs on a fresh and unorthodox point-of-view. Under this seemingly everlasting ideologies being pressured upon however my creative mind was being heavily suppressed - I've got to be perfect in every way possible, or else. By THEIR - the "superiors'" - standards, of course.
So I tried. I tried to be that person who never make any mistake at all - I tried to be a person whose actions and words were always right. And this was done under heavy foreshadowing of an imposing punishment to me and my fellow trainees had one of us was not perfect.
You know what happened next? I was broke inside. My mindset, especially. At one notch I was even thinking in order to be "perfect" in their eyes I need to be more perfect than God - just being on the level of God's perfection wouldn't be enough (and yes, this really sprung on my mind back then, MANY times even). That's just how frustrated I was to this kind of "character building method".
Nevertheless, having regained my sanity back then, I realized that it was the alarming straw. I don't want to be the perfect superhuman anymore. I want to regain my prior, cheerful mind back. But even to this day, I still can't. I still feel this block in my mind which limits me to do magic as I used to.
"Let's just remember
Life's such a beautiful mistake;
Letting go of fault and blame
'Cause I don't want to be perfect anymore."
- from BT's "Forget Me",’s Video 141865277174 gNUCsvwhYsQNivalyx’s Video 141865277174 gNUCsvwhYsQ

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Nivalyx’s Video 141865277174 gNUCsvwhYsQNivalyx’s Video 141865277174 gNUCsvwhYsQ
Liked by: sanguis Gina


Language: English