

Ask @norahaziz

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You come across a magic book and whatever you write in it becomes reality. What's the first thing you would write in it?

Right now? A teleportation machine would be nice

If someone wants to talk to you , what are the steps they should proceed to reach your acceptance of giving them a portion of your time to listen to ?

just reach out lol

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What would you do if one random day an animal starts talking to you in a language you can understand?

that would be AWESOME

With a serious answer, What is happiness for you in the future? How would u be happy in life?

I seriously don't know the answer to that, but thanks for inducing yet another existential crisis

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله لو سمحتي عندي كم اسئلة بخصوص جامعتك وانا طالبة اريد ان احول اليها . ابغى اعرف التحويل للجامعة يدوي ولا الكتروني لاني حست وانا ابغى اسجل ولا عرفت ): افيديني لو سمحتي.

وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته، أتمنى أفيدك لكن فيه أشياء كثير تغيرت من سنة قبولي. ممكن أنصحك انك تروحين للجامعة مباشرة بيفيدونك أكثر.
:غير كذا، هذي متطلبات التحويل
:وهذا إيميلهم بإمكانك تراسلينهم وبإذن الله تلقين الإجابة الوافية منهم
الله يوفقك ويسهل لك أمرك
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طيب كيف اخلاق اهل البلد !؟ وليش اخترتي فنلندا مو النرويج اقرب للقطب ؟! وهل يختلف لون الشفق من دوله لأخرى انا ابي شفق ملون وكبير ما ابغى لون واحد .. عندنا مطر ودعيت لك ⛈🙋🏼

شوفي هم في فنلندا عموماً عنصريين، ومو متعودين على شوفة العرب، نظراتهم مستفزة ومو لطيفين بالتعامل. لكن لما رحنا للقرية اللي كنا متجهين لها كانوا ممتازين لإنها وجهة سياح ومتعودين عليهم
حنا رحنا شمال فنلندا، المنطقة اللي كنا فيها اسمها لاپلاند وهي أقصى شمال فنلندا على حد النرويج ومن ضمن دائرة القطب، ولا لونه ما يختلف من دولة لأخرى يختلف على حسب قوته في هذيك اللحظة
وعموما كل ما كنتي أقرب للقطب كل ما كان شوفته اسهل
المكان اللي رحنا له "منتجع" اسمه kakslauttanen
ابحثي عنه في جوجل وشوفي الصور. عموما الشفق أوقاته في الشهور من أوجست - أبريل باقي الشهور الشمس ما تغيب عندهم ويكون صعب شوفته، غير كذا يعتمد على نشاط العواصف الشمسية، مثلا في ٢٠١٤ وصلت قمتها لدرجة انهم قدروا يشوفون الشفق في بريطانيا
هذا الموقع لتوقعات قوة الشفق ووين ينشاف
الله يجزاك خير ويتقبل دعواتك، أسعدتيني

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Liked by: NMM96

ومعليش كمان سؤال ،، الشفق ع الطبيعة متحرك ولا ثابت زي النجوم !؟

يتحرك حركة تموجية على خفيف وعلى حسب قوته

نورة صورة الشفق اللي نزلتيها تصويرك !! 😍😍 ابا ارووح

ايه في فنلندا

You discover an island and decide to build your own society. What is the first rule you put into place?

Help one another!
Liked by: WK

What is the most serious problem in the world?

Let's see, so we have the decision makers on serious issues being oblivious of how serious and prompt action needing they are
We have the bright minds with a lot to offer limited in terms of financial support
We have money poured into destruction rather than development
Very few are interested in fully utilizing the human cognitive skills, and I'm not talking about the 8% urban myth. I am talking about that mind that has the idea to cure cancer and prevent morbid diseases, the one that has the solution to stop global warming, the one that has the answer to solve the growing conflicts...
Human civilizations have the right ideas, they built excellent strategies, but are executing them horribly with no room for improvement
Liked by: WK

Are you outgoing or shy?

An Introvert by all means. However, introversion is not synonymous with shyness
Liked by: WK

what do u do to cheer urself up (that doesn't involve other people)?

Good food with a good read, funny youtube videos, and video games. If none work, I sleep it off

Where do you fall asleep besides your bed?

anywhere and everywhere, pretty sure some of my friends' phones have the visuals to prove this

What great quote would you like to share?

“I looked about me. Luminous points glowed in the darkness. Cigarettes punctuated the humble meditations of worn old clerks. I heard them talking to one another in murmurs and whispers. They talked about illness, money, shabby domestic cares. And suddenly I had a vision of the face of destiny. Old bureaucrat, my comrade, it is not you who are to blame. No one ever helped you to escape. You, like a termite, built your peace by blocking up with cement every chink and cranny through which the light might pierce. You rolled yourself up into a ball in your genteel security, in routine, in the stifling conventions of provincial life, raising a modest rampart against the winds and the tides and the stars. You have chosen not to be perturbed by great problems, having trouble enough to forget your own fate as a man. You are not the dweller upon an errant planet and do not ask yourself questions to which there are no answers. Nobody grasped you by the shoulder while there was still time. Now the clay of which you were shaped has dried and hardened, and naught in you will ever awaken the sleeping musician, the poet, the astronomer that possibly inhabited you in the beginning.” - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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What worries you the most?

every single thing... From a coronal mass ejection directed at earth, to the army of ants searching for the chocolate in my room

When one should stop learning?

"قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: "لن يشبع مؤمن من خير حتى يكون منتهاه الجنة
Liked by: WK

What personality trait do you admire in other people?

I love the diversity in people; how each and everyone is distinct, and has their own likes and dislikes. It helps you caliberate your own moral compass.
There's not a single trait that I'd admire more except probably for selflessness and eagerness to help others. Some peopel are just THAT awesome

ممكن حسابك في الانستقرام؟

صعبة احطه هنا، اذا تعرفيني شخصيا اطلبيه مني في مكان ثاني

Which are your favorite works of art?

Hooper's nighthawk with the sharply angled diner window, Sunday afternoon with the impeccable details, and of course van Gogh's Starry night. I say that because I would like having them as a desktop background once in a while, not that I have any solid knowledge when it comes to actual art :p

Would you rather live in the mountains, or by the sea?

The mountains! The closest to clouds the better


Language: English