
Lexus Brianna Kue

Ask @ohdamnitslexus

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If you're prego, you're FORCED to get married. fuck thattttttttt

Nope only in the old days and generation. If our parents and this new generation does it still, that's fucked up and shouldn't even be allowed. It's the 21 century.

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Wait.. All Hmong girls are ugly? Or just some?

No, most of them are. The ones that are pretty never look Hmong.

your fuked up. hmong girls can be fine af

LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOO HMONG GIRLS ARE UGLY. Sorry but stop getting butt hurt you nasty creep.

Ima tell him and then he and me are gonna tag team that bitch like WWF! Fukin choke slam that bitch and then power bomb her then slam her head on the table and then pin her to defend my WWF belt. Woop!!!

Shut up.

Hahahaha why don't u wanna be hmong...u know we the hottest of all asian lol

LMFAOOOOOOOOO WTF UH NO. You're delusional if you think that way. That's disgusting. Hmong people are average looking af, talk hella shit, and do nothing with their lives. Even Hmong people say Hmong people aren't that hot so I have no idea what you're talking about.

What would you do if jay park was butt naked on your bed and your bf saw him ?

I would make it look like my bf was cheating on me with him LOL

where do u buy clothes from u sexy harlot

The only places I ever shop at are Forever21 and Charlotte Russe. I really like Love Culture but I never shop there.

i want my legs to be long like urs

LOOOOOL trust me my legs aren't as long as you think hahahahaha only if I wear heels

you said you're not scared of black people, maybe cause you got use to swallowing their dicks.

Never said I was or wasn't. I'm not even into black guys you scared puss.

I see, I told her that she shouldn't like me because its not gonna happen. I told her she should tell her bf how she feels but I don't wanna be in the middle of it but its too late -.- I knew it, I should've kept my distance because I didn't do anything for her to like me . Ima tell him smh

you should tell him. its disgusting and horrible how you're now in the middle of it when you had nothing to do with it. she doesnt seem that good of a person to do that to someone. she brought you in a situation that you didnt even wanna be brought into.

Do you think it's bad to talk to someone that is taken but that person is catching feelings for you . What should I do ? P.s I only like her as a friend .

thats horrible. she shouldn't be developing feelings for someone else WHILE she's in a relationship. she might not be physically doing anything with you, but her having feelings for another person is consider cheating. why is she in a relationship if shes willing to put herself in a situation like this? honestly, all you can really do is tell her nicely that you really don't see her like that and only as a friend, and as a friend you dont think it's right for her to do that to her own boyfriend because its just wrong to have feelings for another person while taken.

I want to keep my hair long and beautiful like yours.

aws, well all i do is not cut it but just my split ends and i just shampoo and condition it one day, and than i dont for the next because its good to be on hair day 2, and than i shampoo and condition it the day after.


Language: English