
Lexus Brianna Kue

Ask @ohdamnitslexus

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If you delete this i will bitch slap you, please dont

you can still talk to me on tumblr LOL and fb if I got you as a friend on there

Please dont delete this!!!

im not im just deactivating cause its getting boring so just ask me stuff on my tumblr whenever you want to

Any clear skin tips?

Exfoliate your skin two times a week and use a cleanser on your face everyday day and night.

Everyone hates me snd i dont know what to do. Advice?

FUCK THEM. They ain't shit. Never let people who know nothing about you and who you really are tell you bullshit shit. Oh, they don't like you? That's fine. But they sure as help will respect you. Even if there are people who have a problem with you, there are so many people that love and care about you. Just don't give a fuck what they say. None of these irrelevant bitches will do shit to you in reality anyways. Keep on doing you and once you make something big out of yourself all these dumb bitches will try kissing your ass. So let them talk and let karma do everything.

your so full of yourself. im surprised anyone would actually even want to stalk you.

It's you're sweetie. And you better believe it cause you're pretty much stalking me right now HAHAHAHA

alot of ppl want your pussy haha i just wanted to say your pretty (SEX)

LOL aws thanks anon you sexy too boo


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