
Lexus Brianna Kue

Ask @ohdamnitslexus

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I dont consider myself a player since that has a negative connotation to it. I just see my self as the average guy who is living his life to his fullest. But I can see what you mean. I normally do not change for girls but for you, I will. You just seem so different from the rest..

k well thats a player.

I would leave those 2 in a heartbeat for a girl like you. You stand out from other girls because you arnt afraid to speak your mind but at the same time youre not conceited like that. On top of that, you are actually super cute!

No thanks I don't like players bye

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I can see why they might be hurt but I as long as everybody's needs are being satisfied I dont see why I cant be with both of them. They want love and they get it, I just wanna fuck and i get it, but not from girl #2 yet, still working on that one. But honestly tho, you remind me a lot like girl #1

Okay honestly I'm not talking to you about this anymore. WHAT YOU'RE DOING IS FUCKED UP AND KARMA WILL BE COMING BACK FOR YOU. Bye now.

Ohh ahha well then can u add me when u have time ? :) or when ur unblock ? :D

Hlee her
well i dont really know you LOL but i guess you can add me yourself if you want

Im not playing them. I love both of them equally. my philosophy is like this, say your at a buffet, while choose only one plate when theres so many others to eat at the same time? enjoy your self to the fullest. btw, you are pretty cute! you remind me of girl #1

Okay, you dating BOTH of them is playing them, do you understand me? Dating both of them at the same time is just a no no. I'm sure you wouldn't like it if you weren't the only guy in the picture. NOBODY likes feeling played and cheated on. Why cheat in a relationship? If you're unhappy just leave. That's honestly really fucked up of you to do that to other people. A relationship is suppose to be taken seriously, not as a joke where you get to play and date as many people as you want. I'm pretty sure both girls will be extremely hurt and pissed if they knew what you were doing.
I don't understand how you don't feel bad for any of this shit you caused and brought them both in.

This guy i liked and he also liked me just told me he cant talk to me anymore because apparently he still has little feelings about this other girl he kinda likes too (were not really dating btw) but he messed with my feelings alot and idk how i should feel. I just cried that whole night. :/

Aw, I know exactly how you feel when someone else is in the picture. Hey, I don't know you but just hearing what happened and what he did to you just proves that you were too good for him. You're an amazing person and I know that it sounds so cliche but it's true.
You're going to have a guy one day that is gonna make you his world and show you that nobody else can get in the way. TRUST ME. There is somebody out there for everyone. Maybe not now, but someday there will be. You're still young, we all are. We all have enough time to find the right person for us. Don't let one person control your emotions and feelings and get in the way of YOUR life. You have enough time to find the right person, and like they say, you have to kiss alot of frogs in order to get to your prince.

Can u add me ??? :)

Hlee her
Hi! :) sorry, im blocked for a couple days of adding people cause i tried adding someone that i dont like and they deleted my request and yeah hahahaha
Liked by: Hlee her

for almost 3 months

Aw, thats not bad! I can definitely see why you're so sad and heartbroken. I wouldn't understand if you were dating him for a week and shit but you dated him for a couple months so I can see why you're still hurt over everything. Did you guys break up over fighting alot or? And does he still have feelings for you or what?

We better have classes together! <3

I KNOW RIGHT! But I think I'm only gonna have chemistry with sophomores since I came from Utica and they did shit differently so I guess Im having chemistry with y'all. :)
Liked by: F

why are you judging me? you dont know my life. and for each of those girls, i am the sweetest, down to earth, nicest guy they know and love.

Nice guys don't play two girls at the same time. CTFU gtfo and stop talking to me. I only help those that really need it. Not dumbasses that will get karma coming back at them.

time and the things we go through . A day is all I need and my heart will have you . If love is the meaning , then my definition is you . If I told you everyday with you make me lose balance . Will you be there to catch me off my feet . Everyday I fall . <3

you cute you cute

when im right girl 1 and girl 2 calls, i mostly try not to pick up but thats becoming suspicious and when I do pick up (while im with girl 1) I have to pretend like im talking to a friend and then I have to explain to girl 2 later why I was speaking like that. I really dont know what to do

gtfo player

Okay so im trying to balance my relationship with 2 girls. One I met like 4 months ago (girl 1) and the other one 3 weeks ago (girl 2). They dont know about each other and they always want to hang out with me so im starting to become shady like

k gtfo player i dont give advice to player bitches tf

I have some relationship problem and I dont know who to turn to. People told me you give good advice so I was wondering if you could help me?

Of course! What do you need help with? I'm always here. :)


Language: English