
Maya Guz

Ask @omgitsmaya1d

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Would u lose ur virginity in a relationship? Or r u a prude

If prude is the term you want to call me that's cool but I'm waiting.
Liked by: Maddy Joyce

Why would u consider being someone's bitch.

I'm not taking it seriously. No, I don't like that term but if it's someone I know, it's a joke.
Liked by: Maddy Joyce

This is a grl but opinion on boys touching your butt? I think it's fine

Depends who they are. If it's a random guy that's a total no, but if you're together and they have permission it's fine.

What do you look forward to most this year?

Meeting new people and getting to know the ones I already know better?

Guys ?

See the thing is, I don't want to name anyone who doesn't actually think we are friends and I don't want to forget anyone.


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