

Ask @perfection_is_BORING

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What do u think about 7th grade relationships

They're cute! I don't see anything wrong with them, some of them last forever but most don't which is fine. I'm in 11th grade and never had a boyfriend so yeah can't say I have much experience or opinions on this one 😂 X
Liked by: Priyanka

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Is my ex using me? She broke up with me and got back with her other ex and broke up with him too, then got back with me again and broke up with me! I asked her friends and they said she can't hold down a relationship, she breaks up with everybody. She texts me everyweek, if I don't text her.

I don't know I'd go so far as to say she's using you but it definately seems she's not the kind of girl you want to be in a relationship with. Boys aren't just options and that seems to be what she's treating them as. If you feel confident enough, tell her how you're feeling about going from boy to boy and maybe that will make her realise it's not ok. I can understand that you might not want to do that though. If not, just don't trust her again. She's proven that she can't be trusted, so next time she asks you out (if she does) explain to her why you don't want to date her again. X

I used to self harm, sometimes I think about doing it again. Please help?

Please stay strong! I'm not going to lie to you and say this is going to be easy because we all know it's not. But I also know that you can get through this and I know you're strong enough to fight the urge. I believe in you and I know you can stay clean. If you do feel an urge, try one of these alternatives to ease it. Stay strong and keep being a fighter! X
Liked by: Gabrielle Gamblin

I think I have 3 mental disorders. Only one of my friends know because she's probably the only person that would believe me or take me seriously. The others don't know so they always say I'm moody and it's annoying. But I don't show my anxiety or anything, I keep it bottled in.

You should be able to tell your friends things like this! If you explain to them that you have these disorders (maybe don't tell them you've got them for sure until you go to a doctor and get diagnosed with them) then they will probably react better when they think you're being "moody". If they don't believe you then that's their problem, not yours. You don't really need to worry about them believing you, in the end as long as you know it's true that's all that really matters. X

So how can I let them know, so that they would actually believe me and not just think I'm attention seeking? 👇🏻👇🏻

You should just be able to tell them straight out! Maybe something like "hey I think you guys should know something, I have been diagnosed with 3 mental disorders... Just thought you should know incase you see me looking a bit upset or something" maybe you could explain a bit about them to your friends if you feel comfortable?? If they truly are your friends then they'll know that you're not just having a joke with them. If they do think you're joking, remember that in the end is doesn't really matter what they believe. You know you've truly been diagnosed with them and in the end that's all that matters X
Liked by: Sophee Kerslake

so I know this girl that I've known for a few years but we never actually talked until yesterday and I got a hug from her this morning. I really want to tell her I like her but I Dont know if I'm rushing things?

The only person who can judge if it's too soon is you! You tell her your feelings when you feel comfortable to do so... Remember the worst that can happen is that she says she doesn't feel the same way... Feelings can change. If you two are made for eachother then it will just happen naturally... Maybe not instantly but eventually it will happen if it's meant to. If not then it's just don't meant to be! Don't be too disheartened if it doesn't happen... Everything happens for a reason! X

I'm dealing with 3 types of mental disorders Friends are starting to worry Should I tell them or would they think I'm attention seeking

I think you should tell them! If they're your true friends they should be understanding and try and help you through them not judge you and think you're attention seeking. Of course it's your decision if you tell them or not but that's my view on it! I think it would be good for them to know also because if they can see your feeling a bit down then they kinda have some background as to why... Wow 3 mental disorders! That's pretty inspirational... Good on you! Always here if you need a chat X
Liked by: sarah fam

A lot of the time I put a guard up and don't let anyone in. It's only because I've been hurt in the past. I only have one true friend who I can be myself around and can trust, and I'm fine with that. But I want to be more sociable and open, back to my normal self. How can I do this?

It's hard to trust people when you've been hurt before and there's nothing wrong with you being cautious of who you trust. In fact it's probably a good thing to cautious! I don't think you need to work on trusting more people but perhaps socializing with more people might be better. And just because you socialize with these people doesn't neccisarily mean that you trust them with everything! To socialize with more people you could join more clubs or social groups you enjoy so say you love to play netball join a netball team. Get your current friends to perhaps introduce you to some of their friends so you've got some mutrals and you can widen your friendship circle that way. Just be completely natural when you talk to them and be yourself. Just let the conversation and friendship flow naturally and I'm sure you'll have some new friends in no time! Good luck X

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I like a guy and he is one of my best friends. He likes someone else, she is pretty, smart, sporty and popular. I feel like I'm constantly trying to compete with her. I don't dislike her or anything and I'm not jealous. Could you just maybe give me a bit of advice?

Absolutely! I know I say this in almost every question I answer but it relevant, if you and him are meant to be together, you will. Not instantly but if it's meant to be it will happen eventually I know it. Just let whatever happens play out. That's really good that you're not jealous... Most girls would be and it doesn't end well for anyone so definately keep that up! It definately shouldn't feel like you're competing for the boy over her. As I said before just let everything play out and trust that it will happen if it's meant to. X

I have a crush on this guy at school. We have known each other for a couple of years. He's one of my best friends. He talks to me outside of school, but acts as if he's too cool to talk to me at school. What is happening?

That's not good... I'd talk to him about it and tell him how you feel. Some people have a different group of friends in school and a different group out of school but that's not an excuse to just ignore you while he's in school. I'd also make it very hard for him not to ignore you. Make the effort to walk up to him and say hi and he kinda can't get out of that... Good luck! X

How do we know if someone is truly in love with us?

You'll never know entirely... A guy has told me he loved me and just completely ditched me before so in this case, actions sure do speak louder than words. You can get a good indication by their actions towards you, if they take really good care of you, show you how much they mean to you, want to be around you constantly etc then it would seem that they love you although it's still possible they don't of course. That's the bad thing, you can never be 100% sure. X


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