

Ask @perfection_is_BORING

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I approached the girl today and I got a hug, I started to talk to her on kik, but how do I start talking to her regularly and if I happen to bump into her in person then what should I say? I really like her

Just be natural and yourself! Don't force anything, just go with the flow of the conversation. I'm sure once you actually do bump into her it'll just come naturally. Just trust yourself and your conversational abilities and you'll be fine when the time comes to talk to her! Good luck and congratulations by the way! X

I think I maybe bi. I look at girls boobs or TV and in photos. I've kissed a girl when I was younger and have wanted to kiss one of my old girl mates but don't think I would go out with one. and two girls kissing ect makes me horny

Sexuality in the teen years is particularly confusing so you're not alone in feeling this way. I'd say just go for what your natural attraction is! If that's girls then so be it! If you still are dining it difficult after trying to rind your natural attraction then I guess it's not really a big deal to be unsure of your sexual preferences in your teen years. Just keep living life and see what happens! I'm sure with time you'll be 100% certain about your sexuality X

I'm the one, who asked about a internet friend, not replying to the messages for days. Lol, I'm a girl. And he's a boy. And yes, I guess he has lots of internet friends, so he forgets about replying sometimes. I'll try to not push this matter. Thanks for the advice. Have a lovely day/night :)

You're welcome I hope I helped and same to you! X

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I'm a guy and I get anxiety attacks some nights and they lead to depression. What do you think would be a good remedy for it?

This seems more medical than anything... I'd recommend seeing a trained professional, a doctor, to help with this but there are ways to calm you down. I suffer a bit with anxiety and I find the 4-7-8 breathing technique really great when I find myself panicking! But I'd definately see a doctor regardless! X

Life is pointless right now I haven't cut in 1 year and I feel like I want to do it really bad and I keep stopping myself but I don't know what to do

I've posted this before but I thought it might help you... For a start, you should be so damn proud of yourself! One whole year clean! I'm so proud of you also. You've made it a whole year not cutting, I know yuh have it in you to stop forever! Just take it one day at a time and deal with the emotions as they come. Talking to other people who have also cut and have stopped will inspire you and I'm sure they will be able to give you tips. Open up to trusted friends or family about how your feeling and I'm sure they'll be able to help you too! Keep strong, again I'm proud of you and I believe in you! X

Not a question but cheers to how u help people cause that's exactly what I added this app too.... To help anyone who needs advice.

Liny dee
No worries! I love doing it aha thanks for taking the time to thank me too means a lot! X
Liked by: Liny dee

I really like a girl I work with.she is just out of a relationship where the guy neat and she is thinking of going back to him.help me please

You just need to go with the flow and let whatever happens happen. Everything happens for a reason. I know that if you two are meant to be together then you will be together, of course not instantly but eventually it will happen if it's meant to. Don't be disheartened if she does go back and remember that there's pleanty of time for girls throughout your life. I know it won't seem like it now but you might not even remember who she is in 10 years time X
Liked by: Allii Izza

I need help. The boy I like asked my friends if I liked him. Wat does that mean?

It could mean that he likes you and he wants to know if you like him! I think that's the most likely scenario... Unless he's just being a bit nosey and wanted to know? X
Liked by: lcxj Allii

i just wanted to say Ive been reading through the questions u get and ur response to them and just wanna say it's a great thing ur doing helping those who are in need of it some of ur responses are better then what I'd say it's feels good to help others and nice to know im not the only one doing it

Aw thankyou so very much! X
Liked by: TW1ND3STR0Y3R

I need help... My best friend stopped hanging out with me because of some stupid crap someone said about me (which wasn't true) and I miss her cause I hang out by myself everyday and I want to know of a way to gain her friendship again😔

People are going to believe things they are told which aren't always true... Confront her and tell her that what she's heard isn't true. Explain to her that you're her best friend and would have no reason to lie to her . In the end, she's going to make up her own mind... As long as you know I'm your heart that what was said isn't true then that's all that really matters! X
Liked by: TW1ND3STR0Y3R

My heard hurts. I just found out that a boy I really liked don't like me. And to remind you, he flirted with me like crazy.

I've said this many times before but I'm gonna say it again because it's true... Guys change their minds about girls more than they change their underwear I'm guessing 😂 Another thing I've said a lot is that if you two are meant to be together it will happen! Just give it time and if it's meant to be it will be. I'm sure you're young also so you've got the rest of your life for boys and relationships, don't be too disheartened! X

what could I do for a girl who is not going to homecoming because she does not have a date and I can't go because I do not have enough money, I just want to make her night special because she isn't going

I think you should ask her to your house! For dinner or a movie or something? That sounds cute! If you can ask her to homecoming, you can ask her to your house! Aw that's so nice if you to make her night special! Wish there were more guys like you around! Good luck X

What if you had to choose between two of your best friends

I just couldn't... I love all my friends equally and I've known some of them all my life so it simply couldn't happen X
Liked by: TW1ND3STR0Y3R

So my friend always says I'm one of her best friends but she always never includes me in anything or invites me to anything and I never responds to my texts. What should I do?

Maybe tell her how you feel? Tell her nicely of course that you feel a bit excluded and give her some examples of where you've been left out and just see what she says about it! She might not even realize she's doing it... X
Liked by: TW1ND3STR0Y3R

How could I approach a girl who I really like not just for her looks but her personality plus she is so beautiful I can't help but smile at her when I see a picture of her, I Dont talk to her but I used to a few years back and I'm really shy to talk to her

To start, try and build back the relationship you had with her a few years ago... Just give her a wave if you see her out somewhere or go and say hi and have a conversation with her... Get back the closeness you had with her and then the rest will come naturally! I know I say this all the time but it's true; if it's meant to be between you two it will happen! X
Liked by: TW1ND3STR0Y3R

do you think age matters in a relationship?

I think to an extent... I don't think it's great if there's a crazy age gap like 20+ years but 5 or six years I think is fine! It also depends how old the people are in the relationship... A 14 year old dating a 24 year old (a 10 year age gap) probably isn't great but a 24 year old dating a 34 year old (still a 10 year age gap) doesn't seem as crazy X
Liked by: TW1ND3STR0Y3R


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