

Ask @perfection_is_BORING

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(2) You can talk to me through this account or your personal account :) or any other social media if you have one :) twitter, facebook, or maybe LINE or BBM? :) ask me you IDs, I'll add you. Feel free to talk to me about anything :) Thank's boo xx

That's so lovely of you! Thankyou so much! I will definately be in contact if I need anything! X
Liked by: TW1ND3STR0Y3R

Hi there :) I'm the one that asked you earlier today about the religion matters :) You seemed so nice, you have no idea how you helped people, including me :) But you are a human being, I know that you may need someone to talk to, too :) I want you to know that you can talk to me :) (1)


Yeah I have asked about it. The answer was the same. Should I end talking for a while? Is it a subtle of that person saying - Go away! Don't annoy me! I know these situations depends on lots of other factors. But I want to get an outsider's POV.

You've done everything you can! Your not a miracle worker... Maybe she just needs time to get over it? I don't think you should completely shut her out but maybe just give her more space? It's really up to you!
Just trust your decisions that you make! X
Liked by: TW1ND3STR0Y3R

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I'm in love with a guy called sheraz I want him to go out with me but he asked this girl to be his girlfriend and I'm sad but he still talks to me like nothing happened advice on what I should do

I think you should just take a step back if he's got a girlfriend... When he's in a relationship with someone, that means he should be only devoted to that girl. But, of course things happen and they may split up in which case I think it's ok to flirt with him... You just need to trust that if you two are meant to be and were made for eachother then it will happen! Maybe not instantly but eventually it will happen... Don't be disheartened and just go along with what happens for now! X
Liked by: TW1ND3STR0Y3R

Thanks for being on my side no ones really ever been on my side

Well I guess I kinda have to be don't I? Haha I haven't heard her side of the story but it sounds like you're innocent! You're welcome X
Liked by: TW1ND3STR0Y3R sara

what is the best way to tell a guy you like him? thanks for your advice btw :)

Well that depends on how close you are to him and on many other different things! You're very brave for even thinking about telling him! Most girls would never do well done to you! X
Liked by: TW1ND3STR0Y3R sara

True but I've already apologised so it's up to her if she's going to forgive me for whatever

Yep! It's just waiting now... Keep reminding yourself it's her problem not yours! X
Liked by: sara

If I don't apologise she'll never talk to me again

But do you really think you should have to though? Have you done anything wrong to her? If you think you have then by all means you should appologise but if you don't think you've done anything wrong towards her then you shouldn't have to appologise for nothing X
Liked by: sara


Remember that you've done everything you can! If you've appologised to her and explained yourself then that's all you can really do! You're not a miracle worker, you can't take it back... Maybe ask her what you need to do for her to forgive you if it really means that much? I mean, don't beg for forgiveness but maybe she just wants to hear something she's not hearing? Also don't forget that you don't have to put yourself into the arguments! Be the bigger person and just say that the arguing is over and just stop. Easy. Good luck X

I kinda gave her sarcasm but idk

Sarcasm is dangerous sometimes! Not all people pick up on it straight away and can take it literally... Trust me I've learned that the hard way! Maybe next time just be straight up and literal with her, just to make the situation easier X

I accused her of something and she's going out of her way to say it's not her and she got really mad and I barely said anything

Accusations are tough... I mean, I wouldn't be too happy if someone accused me of doing something bad that I actually didn't do but all you kinda need to do is say you didn't do it and with a little bit of proof and that's it. There's no real need to go overboard like you're saying she is. I'd explain to her that it's ok to have different opinions aswell. Like you might think it was her, she obviously thinks it wasn't. Just agree to disagree and see what comes out of it! X

[2/2] recently, she's popped back in my life telling me that she misses/needs me. tbh i dont believe her. should i give her another chance? like it's not the same and i dont want to get hurt again, but i dont want to treat her like how she treated me by just ignoring her. thanks! xx

Aw Thankyou! That's so sweet! I guess it kinda depends on why you two decided not to be best friends anymore... It's up to you if you forgive/believe her or not. Only you can judge that because only you know the situation fully. Trust yourself that you'll make the right decision and give it a long hard think... Whatever your decision, make sure she knows if she's welcome back into your life or not. She has to know her boundaries. Explain to her also why you made the decision you did and tell her; if you so let her back into your life, that she needs to be careful not to make the same mistake again and that she's lucky you gave her another chance... Good luck! X

[1/2] hi! first of all, thank you for doing this. you're honestly such a good person for offering help. i was wondering if you could advise me? last year, my ex-bestie started to push me out of her life really badly but tho i took it harshly at first, fast forward to today and i moved on 100%.


What does it generally mean, if a internet friend of yours does not reply to msgs for days,(even after getting into fight about this issue several times) saying they forget about the msg? What should the person do?

Hmm kinda sounds like an excuse to me... Some people just find it difficult to overcome arguments and forgive people... There's nothing much you can do except ask them if there's anything that you're doing that's bothering them maybe?? Remember, it's not your problem that they're not replying, it's theirs! X

how do I get to know if a guy likes me without revealing that I like him?

It's not possible... You're not a mind reader, you can't know unless you ask him! I know you might now want to do that... Which is completely understandable but I think it's the only way you'll find out for sure! Up to you though of course X

My friend is so sensitive over everything and it's annoying me like whatever I say she just overreacts

I've had experiences like this! You've just got to stay calm and let your friend over react. If she's over reacting about something you've said, explain to her what you actually meant by it and you've just got to let the reaction pass. Eventually, she'll get over it and move on. The friend I had that was like this grew out of it and realized that her over reacting was silly, hopefully the same will happen for you! X

What if your friend asked to choose between another friend

I make it very clear when I become close to someone that I have lots of "best friends"... I don't think it's fair to consider one friend a better friend then someone else... I'd never choose between two friends X
Liked by: sara

what if someday your ex will come back what are you going to do?

I don't have an ex! I've never had a boyfriend aha but I guess it depends on why we broke up in the first place... If it was over something little I guess I wouldn't really mind him coming back but if it was over something major then I guess I wouldn't want to see him X
Liked by: sara


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