

Ask @perfection_is_BORING

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I'm generally a quiet person and some people use it to their advantage and treat me like a door mat, advice?

Being a quiet person isn't always bad, but in the situation where people take advantage of that you need to learn to stand up for yourself and what you think is right. You don't need to learn to be a louder person as such, just to not be quiet when you think someone is taking advantage of you. Remember to trust yourself and remember that your feelings and opinions are just as valid as anyone else's and you have every right to voice them. You don't need to be aggressive about it at all, just say that you don't appreciate what they're doing. It's all about trusting yourself and knowing your self worth! You can do it! X

I can't get over my ex. Can you please give me some advice?

Absolutely! There are reasons people split from each other... If you and your ex were ment to be then it would have happened and it hasn't. Trust that if it's meant to be it will be. You've got to keep reminding yourself that it's over, done and you can't go back. Also remind yourself of the reason that you broke up with him. Everything happens for a reason, although it may not be completely obvious yet. If you're really struggling to forget about him and you keep finding yourself thinking about him a lot, keep yourself busy. Go for walks, do some gardening etc to change your train of thought X
Liked by: Taylor Jackson

I want to kill myself. Everyone hates me. And I hate myself

I'm sure your not hated by everyone! Remember you've got so much to live for! Your only at the beggining of your life... Sure life can be horrible sometimes trust me I've been through the worst of it but you've got to just keep fighting. Talk to people about how your feeling, like maybe a counsellor who is trained to deal with this sort of stuff or maybe your parents or a trusted friend. Remember also that there's always worse... I'm sure your healthy and have enough food and water, there's people out there who don't even have that so you're so lucky. There's also hotlines to call which also help with things like this who are also professionals, remember that I'm not one of those but I'm sure here to help you anytime you need it the best I can! Stay strong X

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My boyfriend started talking to another girl that I didn't like and he said he wanted to cuddle with her and everything. His mom texted me & said that it was unacceptable about what he did he apologized and everything and his mom talked about it with him and everything. What should I do

Personally, I think his mum shouldn't be acting as a sort of messenger... She's naturally going to have some bias towards your boyfriend because that is her son after all... I'd confront him about it, sit down with him and have a proper talk. Tell him how you feel about the issue and why you think it's not ok... I really don't think it's ok either. Tell him that you expect loyalty from him. I know how tough boys can be and they change their minds more often than they change their underwear I'd say when it comes to girls so don't be disheartened and remember what your worth! X
Liked by: Jenna Terres

What's wrong with being confident?

Nothing's "wrong" with being confident, I'd say I'm pretty confident myself but it's just that I've heard so many people who want to be confident, but it's not everything! Confidence can be bad... If you go into say a running race feeling super confident that your going to win and you don't, that's really going to affect your self esteem! I think be confident by all means, but not overly confident! X

I have over dosed only 1 more blood pressure pill than im supposed to today and yesterday... and I plan on taking more tomorrow because im in so much pain and I cant take it anymore. no one knows but i just cant handle it anymore. 😳

Please rethink what your doing sweetheart... There will be so many people that would miss you. Think of your parents, do you really want to put them through the pain of loosing their child? Imagine how destraught they'd be... Trust me, there's people out there who love you and care for you so much, you've just got to open up to them! Tell people how you are feeling and give them the chance to help you... Counsellors are trained professionals in this area! I know life can really suck sometimes but you've got to be strong and power through. There's always worse out there also, you've got to look at what you have and be greatful for it because some people out there can't even afford food and just starve... I'm sure your situation isn't as bad as that! I'm here for you, whenever and whatever you need to talk about I'll help. I care and I want you to be ok! Stay strong, for me and for your family and friends who love you so so much X

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Liked by: shauna☀︎

How do I tell people I'm bi? Like I'm attracted to girls and guys but I'd never dated a girl before but I would like to but I never have the courage to do it, I just wanna know how dating a girl feels like, help? (Btw I'm a girl)

It does sound like you're a bit confussed... I think before you go out and tell people your bi, maybe just have a long hard think about it! Many people in their teens get very confussed about their sexuality so your definately not alone! If you have a hard think about it and still believe that you are bi, then you've just got to trust the people that you tell will support you and be understanding and react well. If they don't, remind yourself that it's their problem they don't agree with it not yours! Good luck X

and when we were at the balcony of our school she was like. Hey i really find you attractive and I have a crush on you . I think we would make a good couple I just laughed idk

I'd be having a big conversation to the girl about loyalty in a relationship... She can't have a girlfriend and then behind her back go and flirt with you... When she flirts with you, give her the message that it's not ok! You don't have to do that by saying it, use your body language so like if she goes to hold your hand don't let her etc. I know that's going to be hard to do if you have feelings for her but until you both completely cut ties with both of your current girlfriends then this flirting has to stop X
Liked by: Hakim Othman

idk. She always like to hold my hand then at lunch she always go to her girlfriend then when classes starts she goes and hugs me and yeah. She even tried the Flames game thingy and then she hugged me from behind and said i knew it! we were lovers!! My girl knows and shes beyond pissed (were ldr)

Liked by: Hakim Othman

I'm In love with my science teacher I just can't help it and my life is being ruined because of it it's all I think about its all I keep thinking about and everything else just fades away if the room was burning I wouldn't even notice because he just takes up my mind

You literally just quoted little white lies by One Direction 😂 Umm I think you have to remember that relationships with teachers are illegal... I'm sure that you'll find the perfect guy one day but I don't think that perfect guy is your science teacher! X
Liked by: Hakim Othman

theres this girl that ive been close with eversince college started (were lesbians and both have gfs) She always say she has a crush on me and holds my hands and hugs me. I may or may not start to have feelings for her. But idk if shes serious when she said can it just be us and i just laughed it of

If you've both already got girlfriends then flirting with each other and her telling you that she's got a crush on you is not ok! That's not faithful to your current girlfriends... I think you need to make up your mind quick about who you really want to be with and ask her if she is being dead serious! X
Liked by: Hakim Othman

I forgave my best friend for being a terrible best friend and now we're on good terms again but everything bad that has happened to me bc of her and other things quite literally haunts me at night and i can't get anything out of my mind ;/ im regretting forgiving her because the pain is still there

Sometimes people just need to learn a lesson and not be forgiven... If you truly believe that she's being a terrible best friend on purpose and that she's really not sorry and that she's done it many times then I think you have a right not to forgive her if you choose to do so! Some people think they can get away with being a terrible best friend and it's not ok but you really need to make sure that she deserves not to be forgiven... Really give it a hard think before you make up your mind and if you choose not to forgive her, make sure you tell her the reasons why you've chosen not to, nicely of course! X
Liked by: Hakim Othman

I "dated" this guy over summer but it was all over text so I broke up with him so we could start fresh. I was trying to get back like 5 days ago with him but now my so called best friend is starting something with him. I feel upset but don't wanna be a crazy ex. Do I have a good reason to be mad?

I think if it was completely over between you and the guy, then you kinda shouldn't be mad at your friend. A guy shouldn't come between your friendship either! If she is single and he is single then they both have the right to date eachother and flirt if they wish! I understand that a best friend dating your ex would be weird but it's your friends and your ex's choice... If you don't like the idea and you feel it's wrong then I can see why you have a good reason to be bad and it's definately your choice to be mad if you want to! If you haven't already, I'd have a big talk to your friend about how your feeling and see what she has to say about it! X

I like this girl but she doesn't want a relationship and I am best friends with a guy who likes her and it could ruin our friendship but I really like her and wanna be with her.

If she's not ready for a relationship then she's not ready... You can't force her to be. If you're serious about this girl, wait for her. Wait until she is ready for a relationship. That girl will feel so very special if you still have the same feelings for her when she's ready. With the other guy who likes her, you've got to just let it be. If it turns out she likes the other guy then so be it. You move on. But trust me, if you two are meant to be it will happen! X

So I had a crush on this guy in my class when we were sophomores and I really liked him.It's been 2 years were seniors now but I can't forget him.

Two years is a long time! If I were you, I'd be trying to hint to him that you still like him... Who knows he might like you back?! The worst thin that could come out of this is that he doesn't like you back and that's ok too! If he doesn't then it wasn't meant to be and you wait for the perfect guy to come along... If you and him are meant be it will happen! X


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