

Ask @perfection_is_BORING

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hi so my boyfriend complimented one of my best friends saying her smile is gorgeous and he's done this once before I feel....idk I feel bad do you think I'm overreacting?

I would maybe say how it makes you feel and maybe say that you don't want to seem controlling or that your trying to say that he can't talk to other girls at all but that you just feel a bit awkward when he compliments girls like he has. Don't make a huge deal over it but do explain and how your feeling :) x

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I feel like such a bad friend my best friend died from kill herself

You do not need to feel like a bad friend! I'm sure it wasn't your fault that she passed and I bet you would've done everything you could to stop her. I'm sure she is looking down on you and I'm sure she loves you dearly. Make sure you seek counseling if you need it and stay strong! You do not need to blame yourself! x

hey .. i m a girl who is fed up of her life .. as her mom doesn't trust her she has done nothing wrong :( but still she is very rude to her .. can u please suggest me something .. i m really fed up of my life

When your mum doesn't trust you ask her why. Maybe she will give you a reason? If not, prove to her that you can be trusted! Do things maturely, help around the house, maybe even look after younger siblings if you have any? Just little things like that to build the trust :) and I'm sure your life isn't that bad! Be greatful for what you have because there's a lot of people in the world so so much worse off! x

i need advice..what will i do if my parents dont believe in me by pursuing my dreams? but i believe that i can do it..they just dont support me..they wanted me to become what they want..not what i want to be..

YOU are in charge of your dreams not them. Let them know how you feel about this situation and tell them that your dreams are very different to the ones they have for you. Explain to them that you would like their support but if not, that's ok. You can achieve your own goals without your parents support! You may have the support of other people and I know you can achieve what you want to do! Keep fighting and one day it'll be reality! x

I am a shy type of a person who wants to appologize to my crush cause i couldnt ask her out and now i feel ashamed in front of her? what to do ?

I believe that she would really appreciate it if you explain to her why you couldn't take her out. Shyness is a pain in the butt sometimes but there are ways to overcome it! If it makes you feel more comfortable have a few friends around you to support you while your talking to her. I would definately talk to her face to face and try not to have a huge crowd of friends with you while you talk because she could feel intimidated by that. Just a few friends! All you need to do is be natural! Be yourself and confident! You will be ok! Reassure yourself that! x

My life's so fucked up if I didn't do that one stupid thing it wouldn't be like this I feel so stupid and yet I keep on fucking my life even more I really don't know what to do I'm expelled I really don't want to start a new school I don't even know why I'm writing this on your ask ahaha :(

Well love mistakes do happen and we do have to pay the consiquences! It teaches us lessons. Think about it... Your not gonna do that one stupid thing again are you? Sometimes we just have to accept it and move along. Cop it on the chin and just let it make you stronger! And I'm sure you life is really not that bad when you think about it! Be greatful for what you have because there are some people out there that truly do have nothing. x

Fav songs

OMG to manyyyyy! Music means so much to me I don't think anyone will ever understand aha :,) I listen to so so much music but I love 5 seconds of summer ,One direction and little mix and OMG so many more it would take me forever to list them but yeah aha I love pop music as well :) x

I have known this guy since I was three. We had crushes on each other every now and then and our moms are really close friends so we meet up a lot. I think I kinda like him what do I do?

Well if you really do like him try to speed up the relationship a little. You know just subtle hints here and maybe it'll work out! If it doesn't then please don't force it! If it wasn't meant to be then so be it! X

I need advice:/ my ex wants me back after he's cheated on me with the same girl twice . What do I do I try to friend zone him but it's not working..:/

If you don't want him back then just tell him straight up. Tell him that he has used up all his trust. You have every right to tell him that you do not want him back especially since he has cheated on you. x

I'm having crush with my friend's ex. What do u think ?

Make sure that is doesn't ruin your friendship. I always put friends before boys but that's me! It may not turn out well but you have to make a choice and that choice can only be made by you! x

i feel so out of place these days and i dont know what to do and i feel like everyone hates me

Aw well I'm sure that no one hates you! Don't think that! When you feel down and like you say you are feeling make sure you back it up with evidence! If you get the feeling that people don't like you ask yourself why they would hate you. Have you been mean to them or anything like that? If not, then honestly it's not your problem to deal with it's there's! The brain plays nasty tricks on us sometimes but we do have the ability to catch it out! :) x

Hii you inspired me to make this account :))

Awww that's so lovely! Followed! Check out this account for advice too! :,) x

come back!:(

IM BACK! YAY! Aha sorry it has been so so long! I am going through all the questions now! I'm honored that you guys want me back aha Thankyou and I'm sorry for being so inactive! xx
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It has been awhile

I'm sorryyyy! It has been a while aha! Glad to see people check my page and notice! It's 9:54pm right now where I am and i'm super tired I had such a busy day but I really hope tomorrow I get some free time to answer the questions on here! I try to come on here as often as possible but I hope you guys realise that I can't be on here 24/7! x

Wow I had no idea you were Australian. Have you ever been to America?

Yeahh I am aha nooo I wish I could go to America! it sounds so lovely and I love American accents! It's my absolute dream to go to America! :) x


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