

Ask @perfection_is_BORING

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I sent nudes to a guy an then he liked Someone else and told them and then he sent them around school help!?

Well I think you should take it as a lesson! Now you know to be more selective about who you trust! Sending nudes wasn't a very good idea and now you need to own up to it and accept the conciquences. If you own up to it straight away then people will realise that you are sorry you did it and that it won't happen again. x

When he's around or I actually have a conversation with him. The girls around me always talk really smoothly and such and I can't. I found him on Instagram one day and now he follows me so now I'm really self conscious about what I post and such thinking he'll think I'm really ugly. Help me please!

Just be natural! I know that sounds hard to do but you just need to keep calm when he's around and just let the words come naturally. Think about what you say before you say it but don't think too hard about it or then you'll panic! Keep up the good breathing and focus on what he says and reply with confidence and a smile! It may just be practice too! As you do it more and more it will become easier :) x

Okay so I really like this guy. He's my age. And he's really tall like 6'3, which is good since I'm 5'9 and taller than everyone else. But I can't talk to him. The only thing I've ever really said is "hey I like your shirt" over and over again. And I'm really awkward and sometimes stutter when pt 1


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+loveing guy that any girl would be so lucky and I know I don't have a chance with him I just hope the girl he ends up with will treat the right way and love him for him not for what he is because he truly deserves it.

Aww thats so lovely that you think about him like this! Don't loose hope i'm sure you have a chance with him! Always keep your eyes open for chances to meet this guy like competitions or when they come to your state/country/whatever to do something! Keep supporting this person and no it's not crazy aha do everything you can to meet them and then who knows?! :)x

I have feelings for this guy but the thing is he's famous and I know I sound crazy and creepy but I've never felt like this before and I've band crushes before and they don't feel like this I mean he means the world to me and when I think about him I don't see some famous guy I see a sweet funny+


I like the pic you posted. You are such a pretty girl. Where did you go to eat?

Thankyouu! I went to a local Italian restaurant nothing to fancy just a nice night with my family :) x
Liked by: Tuqa Mahmoud

I really like a guy and I feel like he likes me back but his friends tell me he's a player.... What should I do

Trust your instincts! His freinds are there to help you but obviously you don't trust everything they say and you do have your own mind to make up and you do have the ability to judge. Take into consideration what they have said but do make up your OWN mind. If you do decide to date him, be caucious as you should in every relationship but yeah all I can say is, again make up your own mind about it :) x

hi me and my gf have been dating for a while now, 3-4 years and we havnt been connecting like we should, like like the 4 bases of a relationship. I've asked her that we should be more open of our bodies to each other; am I pushing her or is she taking her time to wait for me to make the first move?

It depends on many things really! Like your ages, age diference between you and her, how close you are etc etc but the only way to be sure is ask her! Tell her that you don't want to force her into anything shes not ready for especially if this is her first real big relationship :) x

Hello. My names katelyn. I'm 5'2 and 99ibs :( yes I know fat right. I've tried everything to loose weight. I excersized everyday and stuck to 500 calorie limit each day for a whole month. I hate it and I'm still not loosing it makes me really depressed because everyone at school is so much better.

You are not fat at all love! That's under weight! You are perfect the way you are and you don't need to change for anyone! You do not need to loose weight! 500 calories isn't enough for a day! The average is 2000 calories I believe and you need to fuel your body with the energy it needs to do the exercise you are doing and to keep up with daily life! x

What do u think I should do, this boy wants to kiss me and I want to kiss him but he wants to use tongue and I have never done it before

Just let it come naturally I think! I've never kissed a boy so i'm probably not the best person to ask but I think if you truely love the guy and the kiss is real it will come naturally :) x

Thanks But im gettin Bullied :) x

Aww well stand up to the bully if you feel comfortable or go to a teacher or tell your parents or someone like that! I'm sure they will help you! x

I really like this girl and she really likes me and I want to say I love you because I think I do I just don't know the right time to say it

I'm sure that one time it's just going to feel totally natural to say it! it'll just be like second nature because it will just be true and comfortable and I think you just need to wait untill it feels like this. Don't force it out just for the sake of it x

Hey if a person u know is gettin bullied what do u do?

You need to help them and stand up to the bully and show them that you don't like what they're doing! If you don't feel comfortable doing this then make sure that someone like a teacher or parent knows whats going on who will step in! Let the person being bullied know that you're there for them and you are willing to help them and talk to them because it can be very hard being bullied! x
Liked by: Caitlin Moran!xo

I am changing my school and I am surely going to miss my friends. The will be disappointed if I will tell them I am changing my school that I have not done yet! I need advice. I just can not get the guts to break the news to them.

I think you need to consider what will happen if you don't tell them! The sooner you tell them that you're leaving the longer they will have to say goodbye to you and imagine if it was one of your friends hiding the same thing from you! you'd want them to tell you right! They will be sad to see you leaving for sure but it's definately better that you tell them! x

Um hi, I was wondering if you could help a month ago my mum died so my dad went into court and didn't want me but the court said he has to take me I'm his daughter but he verbally abuses me, all I want is to give up and go live a happy life with my mommy, dad won't care he wants me dead anyway.

I would contact the department of child protection immediately! If he's verbally abusimg you then thats not on! Stay strong in the meantime! X
Liked by: Hikari Ai

Answer my question please

Should be done! Sorry my schedule is so busy I hardly get any time to come on here but it should be done! x

hi i need ur help !!! plzz answer this question .. What is the funnest way to beat up a boy who is mean to you?

I don't think you should "beat him up" physically. Be the bigger person and just give him nothing to be mesn to. Try not to be in the same area as him ans just generally avoid any contact with him if he is mean. x

hey im the police officer i asked you a question and still havent anwsered it. r u going to answer it

Sorry I have a very busy schedule but it's answered now! :) x

Would you class this as bad or shit? if this was your life would you be sad and down and depressed about it or would you be ok with it? like what would you do :/

That's fineee! Sometimes in life things aren't going to go your way or the way you planned and this is just one of them! I'm sure that you can always re-do the papers and if not, thats just the way the cookie crumbles! It's ok that you are abit upset about passing but it shouldn't make you feelcas bad as you are! Your whole life isn't going to come down to 2 papers! As long as you tried your best that's all that matters! If you didn't, make sure you do try your best next time! It's not the end of the world ! x


Language: English