

Ask @perfection_is_BORING

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i lyk a boy he is 2 yrs elder to me...!!! i think he knows it...he used to define me my crush(he)..and ask many questions abt him...!! bt nw he has stopped asking...he dont take interest in my lyf...!! wht shld i do??

I would try and keep up the relationship with him and make sure he knows that you're still interested. Keep talking to him and smiling and look him in the eyes when he talks to you and just little things like that to show it :) Sometimes, people just move on and thats a part of life that we have to learn to accept and deal with. But don't worry i'm sure you'll find the right one some day but it just may not be him. It might be! who knows?! x

I wanna kik you and everything for help privatey but you look like you're in high school and I'm only in 6th grade so you probably don't wanna talk to someone as young and "lame" as me :(

Noo honey please don't think that! I wouldn't have made this account if I wasn't open to helping EVERYONE! I want to help you and others! x

okay... so my problem is a kinda weird one.... i love one guy but he ignores nd never say a word to me nd i just wanna be wid him and plus he blocked me in everything

If hes blocked you I think you maybe come on a little too strong. Make sure you don't come across as stalkerish and make sure you give him personal space. Be aware of what you say/ask when you talk to him and just make sure he doesn't feel uncomfortable :) x

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what do you think of crazy people?

Some people are just louder and more boistress then others! It's normal! There are people who are just naturally quieter and don't talk as much. If they are happy with there personality then I don't think I have a right to say being too loud or too reserved is a bad thing :) x

Hey! U know how half of friends are so my friends before school closed I told them I had a crush on a boy then they went and told him that I had a crush on him! And now he's scared of talking to me although he smiles a lot and looks a lot at me? What do u suggest?

Sometimes, you just have to think harder about who you trust and tell personal things to. Some things are better kept to yourself. Tell your friends that you thought you could trust them more then that and that you are very dissapointed about what they did. Try and move on from what happened and I would just continue talking to him as normal. If he brings it up explain to him that you thought you could trust your friends with your secret but obviously not. He may have the same feelings for you! you never know :) x

Hi, so I saw your page and I decided to try and help also, so I was wondering if you could share it/ answer this?:) sorry for the trouble and I think you're doing a great job!

AskAdvice16’s Profile PhotoAdvice
Aww thats aweosme! Check em out guys! x

I've got my period when I'm in holiday this year. I'm so annoyed of that shit bcs we're gonna go swimming a lot and so on I hate that stuff so much:(

Aww that does suck! I'm sure you will have pleanty more holidays in your life though were you can swim so don't beat yourself up about it! Things in life don't always go to plan but thats just something we have to learn to accept :) x

I feel as though i have already broken the trust. When Go to see guys I don't tell him. I lie ): I hate myself for it but there is no otherway !!! Ahh

Perhaps that's why he doesn't let you talk to guys now. Re-build the trust with him and show him that he definately can still trust you. Theres no need to hate yourself for it love x

Okay so I really like this guy, I look at him and it makes me smile, anyways we are bestfriends and he use to like me but I don't think so anymore, what should I do? I'm afraid if I tell him it will be awkward, But it wasn't when he told me ? How do I get him to like me back? Or even just tell him?

I would grow the courage and tell him! Seemimg you're best friends already theres no need to get closer and the worst that can happen is that he says no. If he says no, there are pleanty of other opportunities! Liam Payne of one direction got rejected by the same girl 22 times and look at him now! Girls are crawling all over him! Explain to him that you don't want it to be awkward but you do love him and want to be with him. x
Liked by: Sam

My dad has become very strict about guys. I love with him and my brother. He told me I am not allowed to talk to or see any guys ): my bestfriend is a guy and he said I am not allowed to talk to him ! I still message him but I am very careful. My mum is totally fine with it but doesn't live close

Parents are there to protect you but sometimes they can go too far. Explain to him that you respect and are thankful for him protecting you but you believe he has gone too far this time ( if you think he has). Also explain to him that he can trust you and that you feel he doesn't trust you enough as he should. You do need to prove to him that he can do this though so don't betray it :) x

I'm depressed, I have suicidal thoughts and I self harm. I'm sick of feeling like there's no point to life and constantly dreading waking up each morning. I want to go to the doctors for help but there's a problem. I can't tell my parents, but I need to and I don't know how

There is so much more to life then what you have expierienced. I'm sure your only young and please don't ever feel like you are alone because what you are feeling and expieriencing is quite common in teenagers! I know that it may be hard and maybe awkward telling your parents what you're going through but they are here to help you and imagine how relieved you will feel when you tell them! They will do everything in there power to help and support you through your emotions i'm sure! I think seeing a doctor would be a fantasic idea too! They are trained and qualified to help you :) x

How do I convince my parents into getting me my own room like c'mon I'm already 11

I think at 11 you should definately have your own room but there may be some other factors. Like can they afford it? Is there a spare room in your room? Is there a safety reason why? If there isn't I would explain to your parents that at 11 years old you need your own room and privacy and a place to call your own. x

do u have kik ??

Yes but I don't want to put it on here if you want me to kik you send me your kik name and I won't answer it on here and i'll kik you :)

How do u know when your relationship is to soon?

If you don't feel comfortable and it feels awkward and you don't feel ready then it's probably too soon. It's not really about a matter of age I think it's maturity. You have to answer yourself truthfully not just say your ready just for the sake of it. x

Hey. I've got a crush on someone 2 years elder to me. Hez in 10th. How can I make him realise that I really love him a lot? I mean i can't stand not talking to him or seeing his answers on ASK.fm. We talk sometimes on WeChat but still...hez not that good friend of mine. :/

I would become closer with him on a personal level. Ask him personal questions like his birthday or things like that to show you're interested and remember them to show that you care and to use for future reference but don't seem too desparate and stalkerish you know? Like don't ask him super personal questions every day but ask enough to show him that you're interested! x

wow its amazing almost inspiring but what's with the idea of making this page sort of thing and listening to people and their. ... all-day long when you know most of em are making it up no offense thou

I don't think most of them are making it up! I just love helping people through their problems and everything like that :) I think people could benefit from it and who knows maybe it will really help someome out of a really hard situation that has been really hurting them and causing them alot of worry! I'd love that! :,) x

I've been with my boyfriend for almost 4 months and my ex kissed me a couple days ago. I didnt kiss back i just pushed him away. I told my boyfriend two days later and hes really mad. I dont know how to feel about this.. Help? I'm a 14 y/o girl My ex is a 14 y/o boy My bf is a 15 y/o boy

Well if you pushed him away then you and your boyfriend have nothing to worry about! It's not either of your faults that he kissed you and you didn't ask for it and you did everything in your power to stop him so it's not anything for you to worry about! If your boyfriends mad he should be mad at your ex for kissing you not at you! X

Hi My boyfriend and my two best friends have got really close to him and when they hug or say I love you to each other or if he compliments them I feel insecure like a bit jealous or something like that like idk how to describe the feeling. Am I overreacting?

No I don't think you're over reacting at all. I think the complimenting is ok but him saying "I love you" to your friends is a bit over the top. Explain to him that you don't feel comfortable when he does those particular things. He probably has no idea how it makes you feel and if you tell him i'm sure he will stop doing them because i'm sure he doesn't intentionally want to make you feel the way you do :) x

hey, so uhm a person told me that my bf is cheating on me by texting girls saying they are hot etc. And on Facebook a girl always comments on his pics saying "he's cute as always" or something like that! Should i let it go? I just need an opinion :/

I would confront him about it and ask what is going on. If he isn't being loyal then I think you deserve HEAPS better! Let him know what will happen if he is caught or if he lies to you and take it from there. Ask your friend if they have any evidence of him cheating to catch him out if he is lying :) c

ok i guess not no problem maybe that bio is not true after-all .........

Huh? sorry what did I do? I've got a lot of questions to get through so i'm trying my best!


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