

Ask @perfection_is_BORING

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I used to be happy that I'm confident, but I'm overly confident, which is getting me into trouble with things that I say. I try to stop and think about what I'm saying, but it just comes out. How can I stop being so confident and outspoken? It's actually starting to bring me down.

Sometimes some people are just naturally louder and more confident then others but it does become a problem when you become overly confident.I think you maybe need to think a little harder before saying things. Think very very hard about it and ask yourself "is it going to hurt anyone? is anyone going to take it the wrong way? Is it rude/cheeky?" I know you can do it and it's great that you want to change yourself!
Liked by: Kapoorrr

Hi the same person with the guy I kissed . But then he forgot my bday. And then didn't talk to me the hole spring break . But we got into some trouble. And we count talk but we have still kik some timescale. But now he hate me and I did nothing to him he make fun of me and lafe at me and yea.help m

Thats horrible! Tell him that you deserve to be treated and talked to better then you are and explain to him that don't want anything more to do with him. Sometimes, people are going to trick and betray you but you have to learn to stay tall and stand up for yourself and move on from it! x

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Hi!!! So I kissed this hot guy and he vere poputar but I am not but that not the point. So we starte talk and he would kiss me bye and huge me. Then things got heated he would say how amazing I was and we mad out a lot. But then over doing break he came over late at night and we yea. More on the


So he said ," her depressed ass like shit , her ugly ass like shit." And i was still on ft. And my bestfriend starting laughing so hard and it hit me and she didnt stand up for me :( idk what to do with her... I dont want to tell her that it made me upset bc she just gonna laugh at me and stuff ...

That is horrible! You deserve so much better! That "friend" of yours doesn't sound like a very good friend to me. She doesn't deserve to have you as a friend if thats how shes going to treat you and I am so glad that the other guy is an "ex"! Do not listen to what they say at all! I would confont both of them and say that what they said to you was unacceptable and stand up for yourself! They have no right to speak to you like that at all! x

Hi(: im here for help.So me and my ex and my bestfriend (girl) was in a group convo and my ex started saying mean stuff.And me and my bff was on facetime and she started laughing a lot. And then i left the group convo. We were still on ft and then my ex said pt1 sorry it long :/


Ok, I liked this girl and she liked me but I didn't tell her because I didn't want to ruin what we had, then she started to talk to someone else and now they are going out :( I think she still likes me and now she wants to stop talking because she feels bad for her fb and now I feel down and crap :(

Love has it's crazy ways and sometimes, we don't always like the way it goes. Alot of times, girls have to go through some of the wrong relationships before they find the right one so don't be disheartened about loosing her because you never know with time she may come around to you. I'm sure you're only young so you have the rest of your life for relationships and girls and that sort of thing :) x

I keep having this dream about this guy that I used to like. I'm so confused I don't know if I like him again or not. It's summer break now so I would only see him if I make an effort and next year we will be in different schools so I won't see him. What do I do?

Go with your gut and what you believe. Dreaming about someone isn't a instant sign that you must be in love with them but it is a sign that maybe you miss them and have been thinking about them alot. Think it through logically. x

where am i coming from haha how'd you get that i mean i didn't really understood that

It just means I understand your side of the argurment :)
Liked by: Kaiwan Hashmi

inquisitive* well just for a thought you know i mean how often you hear 16 and mature all you hear is 16 and pregnant

Yeah I agree I think it's a case of choice to be mature though :) x
Liked by: Kaiwan Hashmi

ok i didn't meant to piss you off if i did i am sorry that #peace

No you didn't and i understand were you are coming from and why you were inquisative :) x

everything you say makes me curious about everything out there i would love to hear the "STORY" i mean if it's okay

Sure. Lets start with the second I was born. I was born with turners syndrome (look it up if you want) meaning I had a 3% chance of survival when I was born. That's were the fighter in me comes out. Since then, i've had 24 surgerys all over my body including major spinal and brain/ear surgerys. I've been teased and bullied all my life and made to feel like i've never been good enough but I found hope in one thing... Music. Music is my life and I find it the most incredible thing ever. Both my parents were diagnosed with cancer. My mum, when I was born and my dad when I was about 7-8 years old and i'll never forget the moment I was told my dad had cancer. I was too young for my mum but I just remember sobbing and thinking he was going to die but i'm so lucky and greatful that they both survived. I love helping people and thats why I made this account. So people can have someone to rely on and ask for help because I've never had anyone like that in my life. Anything else?

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been through alot at the age of 16 well it's a bit of exaggeration don't you think

Oh wow no way... Alot is an understatement for me love! Many tough times and many amazing fantastic times have shaped me into the person I am today and I know i'll have many more to come :) x

it takes more then just a thing from the heart it takes experience in the matter speaking of which comes with time so i am a bit curious about it :-

Oh well I guess I just have been through alot in my life and i've expiereinced alot and i'm just a very mature girl aha thankyou by the way! :) x

well i went through some of your answers and someone at this tender age can't really answer those questions in the way you did

Oh well it was me! aha I turn 16 soon and it just came from the heart and what I believe :) x

hey ummm it looks you are way above the teenage thing

I don't really know what you mean sorry? I'm almost 16 if thats what you ment? aha x

can you pos a picture of yourself?

I've posted a few and I don't want to post anymore on here sorry! If you want the link to them because they are a far way down I can get them for you if you want :) x
Liked by: Katie Fitzpatrick

So i happen to be a 6'4" girl, and it seems that almost every guy I meet is immediately intimidated by my height; I'm not a scary person :( Now I hate myself for scaring them and other potential friends off, why do I HAVE TO BE THIS TALL :'( *and I'm still growing..

You're so lucky! I'm really small for my age and i've always wanted to be taller! But thats something unique to you! Embrace it! One day i'm sure you're going to find a lovely guy that loves everything about you including your height! x

does age really matter.. like i like/love someone im nearly 15 and he just turned 19?

It doesn't matter personally to me unless the relationship is becoming weird and awkward because of the age gap and not just awkward for other people because they don't matter to your relationship I mean awkward for you and your partner. If you truely love eachother and its works out fine then no, I don't think it matters :)

Ok so I need help! I have a crush on this guy and one of my friends' thinks he likes me too. We talk too sometimes but about random things and I don't know what I should do being a girl. I've never liked a boy this way ever, my feelings are really confused.should I keep talking to him or stop?

I would just let the relationship happen naturally and see what it evolves into! Sometimes, people just aren't ment to be with eachother and maybe you two are or aren't who knows?! Just be yourself and that way he will get to know the real you and just keep talking and interacting with him as normal or maybe even a little more often if you want to move things along :) x

hi, I'm a girl with hairy arms, and I kid you not they are really really hairy and people point that out to me on a daily basis, my mom won't let me remove it and it's really irritating putting up with what some people say :(

Maybe if you explain to your mum how it is effecting you then perhaps she'll let you get it removed. Expain to her that is not a huge big procedure and that it is just the removal of hair. Sometimes parents don't let their children do things like that because they believe they are growing up too fast and things like that but honestly I don't think it's that much to worry about! sometimes people are just naturally hairier then othes! x

Hi I don't know who to talk to anymore so I'll try you, my dad walked out about one month ago hardest thing for me to ever see the person who inspires me left and told me how worthless I was he meant everything to me and he doesn't even care about me.

I'm sure he does love you and care about you and sometimes horrible things in life happen and nobody knows why but you never know it could be a blessing in disguise. Maybe when he left he was under stress or under the influence of drugs or alcohol and it wasn't his intention to hurt you. Sometimes, you just have to deal with what is given to you in the best way possible. Don't worry about things that you can not possibly fix or you will go crazy with it! theres no point! hopefully I was some help x


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