

Ask @perfection_is_BORING

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in your opinion, whats the main key to success in life?

I don't think there's one "main key" I think success is different for everyone. What one person may consider success another may not consider success, so I think the key is different for everyone X

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I feel anxious all the time and I'm not sure why

Feeling a little bit anxious especially in a stressful time like exams or interviews is completely normal and infact healthy. If it's not stress like this, then it's not so great. Try and find out exactly what you're stressed about first and that will tell you if it's a normal, healthy anxiousness or not. If your anxiousness is just constant and about nothing then I'd suggest going to the doctors. They might diagnose you with anxiety, they might not. Either way you're not alone and it's a common feeling to feel anxious. It's a part of you and a neutral feeling so just let it be! X

hi~ i want ask something to my crush, but i dont have any idea what word should i say. lol can you help me? do you have any idea? thank u~ lol 😂😂

Maybe start with hi, how are you?, done anything exciting recently? Don't panic about it too much! Just start the conversation and it will flow and feel natural. Remember, he's a human of course just like you so don't be too nervous when talking to him. He will be able to sense of you're feeling nervous X

Well, I have a crush... everytime I see him, I always wanted to say Hi... but that everytime, I failed to do so. the worst thing was, I couldnt even lift up my face to at least smile at him or make eye contact or what. I just couldnt! help me! 😭

Be confident in yourself! Next time you see him I want you to try and smile at him. Remember the worst thing that can happen is he doesn't smile back, and if he doesn't is that really the kind of guy you want to be in a relationship with? If it's meant to be a smile will you n into talking and it will just feel natural and flow so don't force anything x
Liked by: Zeezaa Ibr

How would you no if you and your bf are meant to be?

You don't know... It just happens. If you're still together after a very long time and end up getting married then I guess you can say it's meant to be! I think you've just got to let whatever happens happen and see what comes out of it! X
Liked by: Krittika Shamini

There is a wedding I have to go to but situations like that make you extremely anxious. If I don't go it will make me look bad. What should I do?

I think give it a go! Try your best and go to the wedding, and if the anxiousness becomes too much just leave politely and explain why. You don't even have to leave completely, just go outside and get some fresh air or something then come back. I'm sure if they know the reason you needed to leave for a bit then they'll be understanding X

My ex ex I've started to miss our friendship a lot. But he hurt me soo bad I don't think I could trust him again

You shouldn't feel like you have to trust him again. Of course he should know he's hurt you it's going to be hard for you to trust him. If you feel comfortable, explain that to him. Only you know what he's done to you so only you can decide weather you forgive him or not, but just don't let him make you feel like you have to forgive him. X

Who do you go to when you need advice? Why do you choose this person?

I tend to keep it to myself and use my own advice or someone who is involved with the thing I need advice about because they know it best X
Liked by: TW1ND3STR0Y3R

OMG Someone is trying to pick you up :O Come on Love... :(

Yeah I know I picked up on that... As I said, maybe one day X

Omg yeah I'm a Virgo baby we go together like Mac and cheese

Righttttt... Thought you said you were Scorpio...


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