

Ask @perfection_is_BORING

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Ok well my friend always says she hates this girl and then like in the next few days there best friends I have told her how I feel about it and she just says get over it it something or like in just using her for stuff but now the girl told someone my friends biggest secret *continued*


so mate it goes on somewhat like this.. there's a girl and she lyks me.. i lyk her.. our frends say dat we look gr8 togather.. but she's in relation with my best frend, what do i do??

Well sometimes we have to go through some of the wrong relationships before we find the right one. Don't be upset about it! You never know you may be the right one in the long run. Love has it's crazy ways and sometimes you just have to let it work your magic and if you're meant to be together then I'm sure you will be :) x

Everyone attention is on my bestfriend so many ppl have crushes on and stuff;((( idk i feel so despressed and discouraged around her what should I do?:( I know believe in myself but it's easier said than done ugh hmph

I know that feeling! Exact same with my best friend. Everyone is beautiful and talented in their own way. I'm sure you are just as beautiful and talented as her. I agree, it is about self confidence and belief and it is definitely easier said then done. If you really feel like you need it, there are lots of self esteem and belief courses that you can do :) I do one and it's great! x
Liked by: J

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Okay so I've been going out with my boyfriend for 3 years and met his niece not long into the relationship. But I think she hates me like I feel like whenever we're at his mums house (her nanas) she avoids me and gives me the stink eye. She's 15 btw. Many other examples but won't fit :/

Maybe next time you see her ask her why it seems like she doesn't like you. Don't let it control your relationship though. It's not her relationship and if she doesn't like you that's her problem not yours! x

Of my life for good. And I can't do that. I need him and .. I need help.

Your only young so you have the rest of your life for boys and relationships. Sometimes we have to go through some of the wrong guys ( who can seem like the right ones at the time ) before we find the true right one. Sometimes we don't find this guy till later in life. If he's just said he loves you and then says he wants to get out of your life then he doesn't sound like the right one to me. There are plenty of guys out there who would treat guy so much better then that. Getting over a breakup can be very hard but you have to think of the positives.
Liked by: pacheco❥

So I've known this guy for 8 years & we've liked each other since 1st grade & dated since 4th. I'm about to be a freshman & we still "talking". We broke up 2 1/2 weeks ago. But when we broke up he said he loved me & he'd wait for me & I'm the only girl he wants and now he says he needs to stay out


Okk so i hve a bf and hes so sweet but all my friends tell us to hu but idk

One time it's going to feel right and natural to hook up and you will feel ready to do so. Don't let other people influence when you do. It's totally your decision weather to do so it not but you both have to be ready. X

My girlfriend has soooo many issues and is constantly trying/having suicidal thoughts and quiet frankly i'm sick of it. I really cannot be bothered with this side of her, not to mention she won't take a compliment and always talks herself down and thinks she is fat when she has been diagnosed with a

Do not let yourself get too stressed out and worried about her problems. They are hers not yours to deal with. Sure, you can help her but you can't fight her battles for her. Comfort her and try your best to help but don't get yourself tangled in the mess. Encourage her and let her know that with strength she will get through this. Let her know that she is the only one that can get herself through this and you will help her but you can't do it for her. You are a great boyfriend for doing this! x
Liked by: ZainabFini♡

My crush is dating one of my best friends!

I just answered a question very similar to this one :) don't be upset about it! Most times people have to go through some relationships that aren't the right ones before they find the right one! And who knows that right one could be you! Because you have ask.fm I'm guessing you're young so you have the rest of your life for relationships! Don't think too seriously about them right now. x
Liked by: Z

Me and me ex, his really frigid we were about to go back out and now he tunes my bestfriend what do I do?:( they don't even realize I'm hurt

Tell them both how you feel about the situation and how it hurts you... And don't be disheartened a lot of times people have to go through some relationships that are not the right ones before they find the right one and you never know that right one could be with you! x

hey mate.. heard u solve problems in ppl's lives.. wanna help me out??

I can try! Not 100% guaranteed my advice will be perfect and solve the problem straight away but I'll give it my best shot! :) x

Ok so I really like this girl and I have for 3 years. She shows no interest in me but I just keep trying and it's killing me.!

If it's been that long I would tell her how you feel! It may be hard to do this but she may feel the same way you never know! If she says no don't be disheartened, I believe if you are meant to be with her you 100% will. Love has it's weird ways of working and sometimes you have to go through some of the wrong relationships before you find the right one. :) x
Liked by: Halei Ungy ღ

I've just had a really hard time ever since my best friend died. whenever I try to talk to my friends about it they just think I'm saying it for attention. I've been diagnosed as depressed and my therapy isn't helping. what should I do

Think of what your friend would want for you. I believe she would want you to acknowledge her death but I do not believe for one second that she would want to be looking down on you and seeing you upset and sad. She would want to see you happy and continuing your life jus as if she was here. If your therapy isn't working maybe try another therapist or a different type of therapy perhaps? There are many out there to try. Stay strong x

I'm the one who asked about the guy going to a different school and I miss him and everything. The problem is he doesn't have any social media! No kik Instagram snapchat ask NOTHING. ;(

Does he have a phone?? maybe you can text him? Or an email account? Or maybe you can ask him to get something so you can stay in contact. Wow that is tricky! Sometimes you just have to accept that because they are moving you aren't going to be as close. I know that's hard but sometimes it's true. One of my closest friends moved states and I'm definately not as close to her as I was before but we still do Skype and message each other on Facebook :) x

Hey I wanna spread positivity and do like a support or advices kind of thing to help others. I wanna make people less negative and less miserable cause it's just sad. But idk how to.. Idk where to start. I know nothings impossible but idk in what ways I can help those people out there.

I had the same feelings before I made this page! Maybe make liken a happiness/advice page? Post like happy quotes and pictures and maybe do like a 1 reason to be happy each day thing?? Also do some advice stuff like people can ask you questions about how their feeling or some situations their going through and you can give some advice on what you would do maybe? :) good luck! x

this guy who works in a shopping centre always stars at me and he's pretty cute but all we do is make a lot of eye contact what should i do/say

lauren furnival
I would start with talking to him and just saying hi how are you? Introduce yourself and talk about something you have in common. Try not to be awkward and just be comfortable and confident. Just try and become generally a bit closer to him I guess :) good luck! x
Liked by: Halei Ungy ღ

i want to die

Life is very precious and it can have a lot of challenges through it but we need to stay strong and persevere. Show people how strong you can be no matter how your feeling! You are so special to so many people and imagine what they would do if they didn't have you. They would be distraught! Don't make a permanent decision for some temporary pain. So many people out there will be willing to help you with how you are feeling including me. I'm always here if you want to talk. I would recommend seeing a counsellor or maybe calling a helpline x

hi, I'm a new help and advice page, maybe give me a shoutout ? :) btw I love your page, it inspired me to do the same and help people with their problems ! maybe take a look ? xx

Help and Advice Page :) x
Aww wow! That's incredible! Check them out guys! ^^^ followed :) x

True :) I'm very nervous about it but my parter said she/he will wait for me but I don't know what to do because I want to and then I don't :/

Aww thats lovely of your partner to do that! Don't worry i'm sure one day it will just feel right and natiral. You also should consider the age of both of you and to be prepared to deal with the consiquences if someimg goes wrong! x

Why do people get nervous about sex?

Well I guess is a big thing for some people and they just want to do it you know and it is a big judging point for some people! x

Why does sex matter I mean everyone does it in there life time?

Yeah i'm not really sure why some people consider it of very high importance but that's their choice I guess! x

I feel like a lot of people hate me like I never get invited to party's or hangouts or nothing like I feel that I don't fit in school what do I do?

I'm sure they don't hate you! Maybe you're just not close enough to the people having the party's/hangouts. If you believe they would make good friends try and become closer with them like talk to them a bit more often but don't just become friends with them to go to the party's... If you don't think that they would make a good, caring and supportive friend then it's not worth it to just go to party's... Plus partys arn't everything... In school years you should be focussed on studying and working hard! x

I'm so sad an need help. Please tell me what to do. So I like this guy, and I really miss him. He went to my school and next year in going to a different school. So sad because I'll never see him again. It's horrible. :( I can't stop thinking about him please help me!!

Add him on all your social media like skype, facebook, twitter, snapchat etc and you can talk to him on there. It seriously isn't a big problem! my closest friend doesn't go to the same school as me and were like sisters. If the school he is going to isn't too far away you can still catch up with him on the weekends and even if it isn't the social media we have today is incredible! x
Liked by: Alanna Seizer

Hey! I was wondering if you could please give me a shoutout , I'm trying to turn my ask into a support/ advice page & I just need help spreading the word.thanks so much!!( you don't have to actually give me one,just please post this on your wall) thank you!!

Check em out guys ^^^^ :) x


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