

Ask @perfection_is_BORING

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my bf and I go to the same school. I hang with my best feiend during classes so since we're all in the same classes.. but at lunch time and stuff I hang with my bf.. do you think I should stop and go and hang with my best friend and ive asked if she feels left out and she said no..

It is good that you asked! Maybe you could sit with both? You know like bring them both together? Or perhaps spread your time evenly between them like you know one week you sit with your friend then next week you sit with your boyfriend. That way no one can be left out :) x

Urm,hey I'm really scared so I'll jusst stay on anon Ok well so I think I'm fat&i am &some people say things but ignore it or just say something back But&my friends are all so skinny&beautiful feel so insecure&i starve myslf or purge&idk how 2 stop? :(

You are perfect just the way you are... Do not compare yourself to others! check out these 2 videos of this lovely girl named Jessica. I had the pleasure of meeting her last year and it was an incredible expierience!

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I agree with your advices to improve that person's public speaking skills. But I think being an actor isnt all about presentation/ addressing people. As long as you've a strong passion for something, just learn to be more confident & comfortable with yourself. Go for it! Whats life w/o some risks?;)

Yeah I totally agree with that too! If you love something that much you'll overcome any fears you have about it to do it :) x

What should I do if my friends are drifting away from me? Not that we quarrel or fight and stuff, but idk I just dont hang out or talk that much with that group of friends anymore. We used to always be there for one another but things changed. Now we're just not as close with one another anymore..

Some friends move on and they change with time I don't think it's a big deal! You may even find better friends who knows! x

There is no way I can practice in front of large audiences. I am not brave enough. I get physically sick. There were classes in college I had to drop because we had to give a presentation and that was only 30 people

Work up to it! first try 5 people and then try 10 and slowly move up and with practice it will become natural! x

i've told him and he just doesn't care and it's hard to move on when he was your first x

You deserve so much better! I'd move straight away from him and want nothing to do with him! There are pleanty more guys out there that will treat you so so so much better and one day you're gonna find the right one and it obviously wasn't him! one down! x

if a guy tells you he loves you and you open up to him tell him everything that nobody else knows and you lose your virginity to him and then 4 days later tells you he doesn't care about any more then messages you a week later sayin he didn't want it to end the way it did how are you supposed to act

Oh wow thats awful! I would be very shocked and upset! Tell him how it make you feel and that you 100% do not deserve to be treated like that nor does he deserve to have you if he is going to treat you like that! Thats just pure betrail of trust! it is very hard to know who to trust these days! x
Liked by: Mess28

The tough thing is the things I want to do I can't because I'm scared. I want to be an actor but there no chance of me getting on stage and acting in front of people. I can't give public speeches. I would rather be dead than give public speeches. I'm just miserable

See thats perfect! Your goal would be to overcome your stage fright! your action plan would maybe be go to an acting school, practise in front of large audiences etc etc! There would be pleanty of achievements to accomplish in acting! You have no reason to be miserable love x
Liked by: Mess28

my gf dumped me and i rely love her & still care about her the same way.she says she still loves me & feels the same way.ino for a fact tht shes goin thru a rely hard time right now & will be for a while.if we cnt be together then all i want to be is her friend but how can i be ther for her ??

Let her know that you just want to help her and it has nothing to do with the relationship and that you are just trying to be a good friend and give her support not re-build the relationship and see how she takes it :) x
Liked by: Mess28

I really don't wanna be mad but how do you wanna help people with relationship problems if you haven't even kissed yet ?

I actually don't know aha i guess I just give my oppinion? They don't have to take my advice obviously if they don't think it will help :) x

I'm not that young. I'm in college. I can't accomplish my goals because I don't know what they are. I'm just confused and I don't really see a light at the end of the tunnel. Even if I don't compare myself, when you get to certain myself and family expect certain things. I haven't lived up to that

Aww yeah thats tough but I think you will figure it out! College is still young! Maybe your goals could be jobs you want to do or maybe a passion? I want to be a lawyer or singer so my action plan would be maybe go to singing classes and get signed or get a very good ATAR score to get into a law course in uni or something like that! Then theres pleanty of achievements! If you're in college completing school is a accomplishment! maybe you have accomplished alot but just don't realise it! x
Liked by: Mess28

Hey. I wanted to know if it's normal for a 16 year old to never have been in a relationship before.. I know I shouldn't worry cause I'm still young.. But sometimes it feels weird when I'm surrounded by couples in school and I'm like just socially awkward and forever alone..

I guess! I turn 16 in less then a month and i havn't even had my first kiss or been in a relationship soooo... aha yeah that is right you do have the rest of your life ahead of you so I wouldn't worry! x
Liked by: Aminah Mess28

But I'm not moving at all. I have been in the same spot for years and in it looks bad. When you see someone your own age and they accomplished so much and then you think about what you accomplished you can't help but feel bad. It's upsetting.

Yeah I know that feeling... but you are your own person so you shouldn't compare yourself to someone other then you. I'm sure if you have ask.fm you're quite young so you have the rest of you're life ahead of you to acomplish the things you want to :) Make them your goals and make an action plan to reach them! Make sure they are measurable and realistic :) x
Liked by: Mess28

I feel like everyone around is moving on to big and better things and their life and I'm just stuck in the same position

Don't compare yourself to others! Move at you're own pace and i'm sure you'll go on to do great things :) x
Liked by: Aminah Mess28

I like this girl but my ex inboxed me last night and tired to make up and I kind of like her too which one should I pick?

Go with your gut and what feels right but if you choose your ex remember why you two decided to separate :) x
Liked by: Aminah Mess28

How to overcome a heartbreak?

Life moves on, so move with it. You're life is short so don't waste it feeling sorry for youself. You have got to just pick yourself up, dust yourself off and move on. Sometimes you have to go through a few wrong relationships before you find the right one but trust me when you do, you will know it and it will be the best feeling x

I like this guy for a while now and I'm wondering whether I should get his number.. I don't want him to think I stalk him and that I'm desperate. I just want to get closer to him. What should I do and how do I get closer to him? :-/

Maybe just talk to him face to face you know ask him how his day has been what hes been up to recently all that kinda stuff and it also depends how long you've known him and how close to him you are right now if its gonna be awkward to ask for his number... if you've known eachother for ages and your really close then it's definately not gonna be awkward but yeah if your like no very close at all and you havn't known him for long then i'd wait a little and become abit closer with him :) x
Liked by: Mess28


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