

Ask @perfection_is_BORING

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I Get A Lot Of Hate On My Ask.Fm And It Bothers Me Because Im Depressed And I Have Been Hospitalized But I Want To Keep My Ask.Fm.... What Should I Do ?

If you've been hospitalized for it then I don't think it's worth keeping your ask.fm... You can change in your settings if you allow anonymous questions maybe make sure that's off. Don't let what they say get to your head... There just one anonymous person trying to bring you down and if you let them know it hurts you then thats their aim... If you laugh it off, maybe give a sassy answer back and laugh at it then they will realize that it's not hurting you and their wasting their time :) x
Liked by: J

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yes i do truly love him. i'm not that type of girl that loves just good looking boys. i don't look for looks, i look for personality. anyways, thank you for help. (:

Ok well thats good :) I'm sure you know what to do! sorry if I didn't help very much! x

hello. i have one problem. so i'm dating one boy and everything's okay in our relationship but the problem is i still have feelings for one of my old friends. i think i love the second one more but i still love my boyfriend and i don't know if i should break up with him or stay with him. you know, i

I believe that once you truely love someone you don't have eyes for anyone else and if you have your eyes set on someone else then thats a sign that maybe the boy you're with now may not be the one! But make sure you TRUELY love the 2nd guy and that hes not just good looking/charming and that you actually genuinely want to be with him :) x
Liked by: Ayaaaa

I think I'm in love with a guy, but he's 2 years older than me so I doesn't really know me.But he knows that I exist:DI can't tell him that I like him (I'd never do that)cuz they would laugh at me(he not but his friends idk) and my asshole half sister is in his class.how can I show him that ilikehim

Try and build your relationship with him first like become closer to him! Talk to him and just have a general conversation with him first! If that all goes well and he gets to know you a little better then who knows?! If it's ment to be then im sure it will happpen! He may not be the guy for you but im assuming if you have ask.fm you're reasonably young so you'll have the rest of your life for boys! x

I don't think that anon ment stay in touch with u they were the person who sent the question about the guy they liked moving I'm pretty sure they ment stay in touch with the guy...

Oh wow thats embarrasing! haha sorry! I can't keep track sometimes! x

I have, I really hope we can stay in touch<3 you page is really great btw It helps a lot to have some there to listen and give advice back I and I know many others really appreciate it thankyou<3 :*

Aww thanks it means alot! :,) It's so great getting messages like this! I'll always be here and of course we can stay in touch! x

I have liked this guy for ages,he always makes me smile,seeing him makes me so happy we get along so well and were getting really close,I found out he used to like me but he is dating my bestfriend he is moving school at the end of the year and I won't see him after that,I'm broken idk what to do:(

Add him on all your social media stuff amd talk to him on there! Just because he is moving schools doesn't mean you can't catch up with him outside of school! My 2 closest friends don't go to the same school as me! And if you two are ment to be together I'm sure it will happen! Don't give up! sometimes guys have to go through a few wrong girls before they find the right one and who knows that could be you! x
Liked by: jamila bahra

okayy so the guy I like likes me back... but he's dating this other girl he also liked for awhile now, im broken..

If you are meant to be together then one day I'm sure you will be! Love has it's ways! Don't be upset if he is dating other girls because sometimes a guy needs to go through a few wrong girls to find the right one and you never know that could be you! x
Liked by: jamila bahra

My bf is like obsessed with me and I need some space and I even told him that but he won't and I'm getting annoyed by him like he always wants to FaceTime me, I don't know what to do, please help !

Explain again that you need your personal space and tell him how you feel when he invades it! Maybe it's time to break up with him and have a break from eachother for a little while! Everyone needs space from even a very close friends sometimes and even boyfriends! It may even strengthen your relationship if you have a break! Who knows?! x

So this guy i really like is in grade 8 and im in grade 7 and he asked another girl to grad and he really likes her but he also said he really likes me, and im kind of upset >_< but he always flirts with me sooo! Maybe?!?!?!?!?

Maybeee! Who knows?! Your in year 7 so you have the rest of your life for boys and relationships and all that kinda stuff if you are men't to be with him I'm sure you will be one day! Don't be upset if he asks another girl that may just mean he's too shy to ask you! There's plenty of other opportunities! x
Liked by: carley. jamila bahra

Im bi and i want to tell my friends, my best friend knows cause they are gay them selves but how do i tell my other friends???

Tell them just like you told your other friends! Explain that your still the same person nothings changing except that you just like the same gender that's all! They may take a little while to get used to it because it can be a shock but if they don't after a while then they truly aren't very good friends! Friends are supposed to accept each other's differences and if they don't then I think they don't deserve to have you as a friend! x
Liked by: jamila bahra

How can I make him realize that I am just as worthy as the other girls?

You ARE just as worthy as the other girls and if he doesn't realise that already then maybe he's not the guy that's gonna treat you right! Don't think that you are any lower then those popular girls because truth is they are humans just like us and they have no power or authority over you! x
Liked by: jamila bahra

There is this guy I really like but he is totally out of my league and the type of popular guy at school. I am one of those people that is not very pretty or popular, but I have a heart. The guy I like is interested in all of the cute, sporty and pretty girls, and I'm just not that. (continued)

Liked by: jamila bahra

My friends ex boyfriend and I are really good friends like bests friends and he confessed he has feelings for me

Well if your friend doesn't have feelings for him and he's genuinely single then if you feel the same way about him you have every right to date him! Explain to your friend what he has said and tell her that you have a right to date him if you want to and if she is a good friend she'll accept it I'm sure :) x
Liked by: jamila bahra

I like this guy. He is really nice funny. We always talk about funny stuff and like sexual stuff but as a joke. And now I am beginning to like him :/ How do I know if he likes me ?

Aww he sounds lovely! If your meant to be with him then I'm sure you will be! If he makes time to talk to you or be with you and if he seems genuinely happy to be around you and maybe a little shy then he could like you! Keep up the good relationship with him like keep talking to him and stay close and you'll never know what will happen! :) x

So this girl that's meant to be my 'best friend' told lies to this guy that apparently 'liked' me and now he doesn't talk to me and I'm unsure of what I've done. What should I do ? Please help.

Go up to her face and ask her exactly what's wrong! Tell her how you're feeling... honestly! and if she is a good friend to you tell her that you don't want to loose her as a friend and that you don't know what you've done and if she doesn't answer you or gives you a sarcastic answer or something like that then she obviously isn't a very good friend! Friends are supposed to help friends not tell lies about them! Tell her how you feel about her telling lies about you and hopefully she is genuinely sorry! x

All of my friends say they like me, but then people tell me stuff that they have said, and I asked them about it and they denied everything. Also my BFF for 4 years is lying to me about wanting to hang out with me and then ditching me at the last second.

They don't seem like very good friends to you if they are going to do that! You deserve to be treated better then you are and they don't deserve to have your friendship if that's how they are going to treat you! I would find better friends!
Maybe try going to a group that does something that you like you know like if you love dancing go to a dance class and then you'll have something in common with the people there to talk about! x
Liked by: Z

So I dated this guy and gave him another chance and I broke up with him becuase I found out he was gonna ask out another girl before he asked me out and I said yes and then I broke up with him and now he wants me back but I don't like him anymore and idk what to do or say ! Please help

Say what you honestly feel... He's had his chances and not used them wisely... just say that you don't have any feelings for him anymore and you do not want to date him because of how he has treated you and you have any patience left wit him... Goodluck! x
Liked by: Z

so I got really hurt and so did my other friend who also liked him. he is a really nice guy so I got over him. then it reminds me of this guy that I used to like but he was like really rude to me but I think I like him because I miss him but we weren't together though idk what I should do ?! help !!

If you could love the wrong person that much imagine how much you could love the right one... You and him possibly weren't meant to be together and I'm sure one day your gonna find a guy better then him that your going to be so happy with! School and guys at school and friends liking the same guy as you is a hard thing but when you grow up your going to realise that the liking guy stuff in school means nothing... Your only young and have the rest of your life for boys and relationships! For now just have fun and enjoy your life! x

I used to like this guy but then I found out that he likes this other girl that I told that I had liked him. so how I found out was someone yelled out (his name) LIKES YOU (her name) and she responded "I knew since term one !!!!" and I couldn't believe that she didn't tell me ... ( continue )


i love this girl so much and i really want to date her! she doesnt know i exsist!!!

Start a conversation with her and build your relationship with her you know maybe add her on your social media stuff and just have general conversations with get like ask her how her day is going, find things you have in common with her and become closer with her and then see what eventuates from that :) x


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