

Ask @perfection_is_BORING

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No this isn't '1d lyrics' baby this is the beautifl words of love speaking

But 1D do write beautifully so either way it's fine ;) X

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I'd treat u well baby because u make me strong. So I'm sorry if I say I need ya but IDC I'm not scared of love

Haha nice 1D lyrics ;) how'd you know I love them?? 😂 X

Haha yeah funny well where u live I'll come along haha yeah haha I'm single wbu I wanna change that

Yeah I'd like to change it I guess... I'd be kinda scared to though with how guys have treated me in the past X

What do you like about your best friend?

Everything. I have lots of best friends but I love everything about every single one of them! I'm honestly so lucky to have such great friends X

Thank you. Im focused on my ATAR score for next year and study after that then i want a true healthy relationship

I'm doing ATAR this year and next year! Good luck with it aha yeah that sounds like a good idea! x

I have a question Love :) how can you describe your personality ?

Umm I would say fun loving, happy and bubbly! I'm not really sure though I guess I'm a bit biased because it's my own personality X
Liked by: Krittika

He told me that he loves me, but i think that he meant it in a friend way. When i said it to him though i didnt. i dont know if i should tell him exactly how i feel help please x

Weather you tell him how you feel or not, if you and him are meant to be together then you will. No matter what, eventually if it's meant to be it will. If you feel confident and happy to tell him, then tell him! If you don't then that's fine too. You know best the relationship between you and this guy and you know better then me how he will react. If he says he doesn't want a relationship with you for whatever reason, don't be disheartened. You're young and have the rest of your life for boys and love X
Liked by: TW1ND3STR0Y3R

I'm a girl, I hate shopping. I'm not a girly girl it's what makes me think I'm bi plus I know I am bi

I don't think that hating shopping makes you bi. There's a lot of girls I know that hate shopping that are most definately not bi. Same goes for being a girly girl. A person can be a very girly girl and be bi at the same time. That's just stereotypes. Being bi is simply who you're attracted to. X
Liked by: TW1ND3STR0Y3R


Language: English