

Ask @perfection_is_BORING

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+for my breakup. Im so stupid that i still miss my ex :(

If you don't like the way he treats you then explain to him that you don't like it and explain to him that you also deserve to be treated better and stand up to him... You have every right to have close guy friends while dating your boyfriend but you have to make it clear to your boyfriend that you are only friends with them and nothing more :) x

My boyfriend made me feel like a princess and then he ditched me. Im kinda bro best friends with his best friend. Is that ok? Also my ex had this girl best friend he treated like his sister. He preferred her over me always. Im friends with her nowadays as well cuz i realize she wasnt responsible +


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+ walked away from me.. which made everything worse.. hes so hard to talk to because he denys everything when I know its true.. idk what to do anymore

That's not good at all! He doesn't sound like a good boyfriend in the slightest! Talk to him about it and see what he says but I think I would be very disappointed and maybe break up with him if he doesn't have a good reason for doing that! x

help! I said to my bf that we needed to talk and then he said ok.. then during classes he would talk to everyone else and completely ignore me.. then at lunch I got mean shin splints again from kicking the ball around and I went and sat down and had a little cry, he seen me and turned around and +


my boyfriend and i broke up awhile ago then went out again and now we're broken up! i still like him alot but he likes someone else. should i keep trying?

Well if he keeps dumping you and all that then he doesn't sound like the best boyfriend... Maybe try find a guy that will treat you better! x
Liked by: Alyssa O'Neill

My crush is handsome but treats me like shit and is a jerk. Another guy has a cruah on me but isnt handsome but treats me like a princess and loves me alot. Also, few daya back my crush told me he had been cruahing on me since a long time too. Which should I choose ?

You're going to find a guy one day that treats you beautifully and has a gorgeous personality as well as a gorgeous face! I say you choose neither! Don't compromise! x

What to chose ? Good inner personality but normal looks or good looks but an a not so good inmer personality ?

I'm sure one day you'll find a perfect guy with both! Don't compromise! x

well sense you are young, as am I. I wanna tell you he is real, and he thinks your perfect and beautiful. infact he thinks you're to die for. God is real, it just takes some looking

I will keep looking indeed :) x

Sometimes i think why The lucky thing come to the people who never should got it, whyy :(

I believe that you are only delt with what you can deal with and life is unfair sometimes but we just have to cop it I guess :) x

do you ever listen Welcome To My Life by Simple Plan ? That's tell my life :)

No i havn't heard it i'll look it up :) x
Liked by: Sammi :P

Tell me how to forget ex friend who was hurt me ?

She/he doesn't deserve a place in your memory if they hurt you... x

I'm in a relationship with someone that I'm not in love with, but he loves me and treats me really well. What do I do?

If you don't love him then definately don't date him! One day you're gonna find a guy that you truely do love and think why you stayed in this relationship so long! x

My boyfriends embarrassed to be with me infront of his friends .. What do I do?

Well how do you know he is? If he truely is then he really doesn't sound like the best boyfriend! Ask him about it and see what he says! x


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