

Ask @perfection_is_BORING

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can you kik me? brodee_10 need a talk

Absolutely I won't be able to reply right now though I'm at school x

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I agree 14 is young, I'm in the same situation and I'm 16 and I honestly don't know what to do about please help?

I believe 16 is also quite young I turn 16 in a few weeks and I couldn't imagine myself doing any of that kind of stuff but I guess you'll know when the time is right and it feels natural but explain to your boyfriend that it's not quite feeling like that yet! X

what if she's flirting with other guys yet she says love you to me? but not them. I just don't want to be played.

Well you have to trust her as your girlfriend and if you don't believe what she says then try and find evidence against her x

Well like I wouldn't have sex with him but all we've done is make out and he's grabbed my butt. And like I would do more with him and I prob would have oral sex with him I just don't know how to say tht an respond, please help

Hmm at 14 I don't think you should be going much further! Maybe just wait! x

Im 14 and my boyfriend and me have been dating for around a month and a half. He asked me how far i would go with him. I dont know how to respond. Not just because i dont know far i would i just dont really know what to say to that. like do i say oh Id have oral sex or sex or just feeling.IDK!Help?

Totally awkwardddd! Yeah I agree that would be hard! I would say it depends on the situation and whatever feels natural at the time I guess?! x

What do you think about broken home ? I mean the child who have a problem in their family

It's very hard for them because they are only children and they have to deal with very grown up problems but there is a lot of support out there :) x

I'm so so in love with someone. he used to feel the same way, and now he won't even talk to me. it's been a year & I still feel the same about him as I did when I first met him. what do I do? I really need help. i love him so much. it kills me inside. my heart is broken.

I truely believe that if two people are ment to be together then one day they will be together eventually. x

but he used to go out with my friend and they always gave x's and tbh I just want to know if you think he actually likes me? cause I want an anon answer<3 x

Well if you did kiss then I'm guessing he does! Aha if you two are meant to be together then I'm sure it will happen! x

what do I do if I like someone and he kinda likes me but when my friend texted him off my page and gave him x's and he didnt give them back? but we Kissed aload of Times on Friday?

If you kissed I don't think x's are a huge deal aha I put x's all the time no matter who I'm talking to but some people just don't it's just the way they type :) x

what do u do when your friend is gay and his name is luke walker and like I wanna change him but he always wants my ....???

Well explain to him that you don't feel the same way about him and that you don't want a relationship and make it clear that your straight. And I don't think it's possible to change someone's sexual preference. x

What do you think will happen if a girl left her best friends?

Well it all depends on what you mean by "leave" and why she is leaving them. X

I have that feeling where my girlfriend is cheating on me. what do I do?

Be very upfront with her and trust your instincts. Go up to her face to face and tell her how you feel. Ask her straight off if she's cheating on you but if she says no then you have to trust her... If your still suspicious after she says no try looking for some evidence that she's cheating on you x

i have a friend, she is good person but she can be weird but sometimes she feel that she ralize that attitude is so very ashamed herself and she is a sensitive people but sometimes she can't stop her weird attitude, feels like naturally to her

We all have to accept different personalities but maybe you can ask her to tone it down a little? x
Liked by: Kayaa_99


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