

Ask @perfection_is_BORING

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What are the dos and donts to kissing

I'm probably not the best person to ask aha I'm almost 16 and havn't had my first kiss but I would say don't be sloppy? Aha I don't really know! Sorry! x

There is this guy who i kinda sorta like but he is heaps suggestive and a few years older than me... What should i say to him???

Kinda sorta? Hmm you don't sound to confident! And if he's going to drag you into all sorts of trouble with his attitude then I don't think he's the best guy to be around. X

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What's the right way to hug a guy!?

Well just normally I guess? I prefer to have my hands around the waist instead of neck because I'm quite short and I can't usually reach haha :,) x

i thought you said you were in love??

I am in love but I don't have a boyfriend aha weird I know but it's hard to explain :) x

I'm 16 and never had a bf and only hooked up once.. I feel like i'll be alone forever!!! I don't know if he likes me though cause he is really shy

Ppfftt girl I feel you I havn't even hooked up and I turn 16 soon! Your still young and I'm sure one day you'll find the right guy maybe just not now! x

So... I feel like I like this guy but I don't know why I feel I don't like him when I do! I'm so confused, what should I do? :(

Well if your a bit iffy about it then it doesn't seem like it will work... Maybe find another guy or enjoy the single life for abit! x
Liked by: Montse Icaza

...talks to me and it sucks because i still like him so much,and everyone gives me shit about it and he used to like me but he told my friend he liked talking to me but wouldn't date me.i'm so confused and don't know what to do anymore,do i just give up or what?i feel like i'm not good enough! help!

I'm sure if you two are men't to be together then you will! Love has it's ways! Don't let the people bring bring you down! I'm sure your only young so there's plenty of time! x

so i like this guy and i thought he liked me too because he always talked to me and made jokes to make me laugh, and every time i saw him his face would go red or he would smile at me. and i'm good friends with his brother so i told him, but then he decided to tell the guy so now he barely ...


I have never ever told anyone this. it's my biggest secret... When i was like 12 my brother was 14 we kinda did shit. i gave him the littlest blow job and he fingered me and ate my pussy out. it felt so good but i always think about it cause it's wierd but i've never told anyone that before! HELP!!!

Umm ok I would continue not to tell anyone... It's a very personal thing and I don't think people would take it very well! x

Where abouts in australia do you live? i think i know who this is x

WA... Feel free to guess! Aha if you guess right I'll say yes! :) x

Holy shit you are the best! Do you have facebook or something? How old are you?

Aha thanks so much! Yeah I do but I'm not giving it out... And I'm 15 :) x

Self harm :o sorry I kinda want advice but I won't wanna make it seem like I'm an attention whore ...

No it's ok, you don't seem like that at all. You are wort more then the blade and cutting isn't going to make the situation any better... It may take away the pain temporarily but in the long term it will leave you with scars on your body that you will want to hide for the rest of your life... If you stop now the scars will be minimal and they will hopefully heal quickly... Find out what is making you feel like you need to cut and eliminate it. If it's yourself, maybe try some self esteem classes or if it's a particular situation making you feel down I'm always here if you need to talk about it! X

You suck why do you care about other peoples problems

I try to help people with their problems if they want it and if you don't like it then why are you on my account? x

so this guy likes me and has since first grade(we're going into 8th) and I used to have those same feelings but not exactly anymore but I always picture us going out and my friwnds have told me thats a crush. so last year I asked him out and he said it wasn't the best time and we never talked since

8th grade is still very young for boys and love and everything... give it time ans let it happen natually and im sure you'll find yourself much happier! x
Liked by: Chloe Collick

I like this guy and we do talk occasionally and he complimented me the other day and remembered this small thing I told him a few days after, but today he went to the movies with a group of other girls who are so much prettier/better than me and suit him better. What can I do?

I'm sure your just as prett and just as good as them! If you are ment to be together you will be one way or another xx
Liked by: Chloe Collick

Said I needed to get over him. And I don't know wht to do, because he recently cried over his crush and I don't want to rush anything. Plus I've always said that I'm over him, but I like him all over again. I don't know what to do, and I will be in high school with him this next school year.. :(

Do what feels right to you... If you want to just keep re-building the relationship by talking to him about things giving him a little smile every now and then but be careful remember why you broke up with him in the 1st place and don't make it another heartbreak x

I have a crush on my ex all over again, were really good friends and I everyone says we flirt alot. But when I told him i liked him, he only seems flattered. He told a friend he would've went to the dance with me but thought I was taken. But when a friend asked him if he was going to ask me, he.....


I feel like me and my bf are falling apart . it's summer and I never get to see him cuz we can't hangout . and I really feel like he's the one . I don't want to lose him . what should I do ?

Add him on your social media stuff and talk to him on there :) and you never know this may be a blessing and strengthen your relationship... Everyone needs a break from someone sometimes x


Language: English