

Ask @perfection_is_BORING

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Why do people always see what's on the surface and judge from there ? why don't they listen to the full story before actually bullying the actual victim. I feel like killing myself rn. Being bullied on the internet and my name is trending so badly. I go to class and I could feel all eyes on me.Why:(

Aww honey remember this is temporary... Don't make a permanent decision for a temporary pain... Maybe have a break from social media and take a moment to just breathe to yourself and yeah... Maybe go to a park or somewhere were there is no one around and just let out the biggest scream and that will release a lot! It's illegal to bully on the internet or face to face! Stay strong and don't listen to what the bullies say and stand up to then and show em how strong you are! Always here if you need to talk! X

but he's changing schs :(

Aww that will be ok! Just add him on Facebook or anything like that and talk to him on there... As I said, love has it's ways of finding each other if it's meant to happen it will! x

i like this guy and idk if he likes me, it's like he likes me but he doesnt starts convos :(

Aww maybe he's shy! If your ment to be together you'll end up together someway x

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Well I have loads I'm not sure what to start wigh

Well just laugh them off because your the one thats benefiting not them your the better person and don't come down to their level and don't let it effect you! x

I'm being hated from being friendly and knowing many seniors. What should I do ? I'm being cyber bullied in school. I need help.

Cyber bullying is illegal and discusting... Maybe have a break from social media and having seniors as your friends is a good thing! they can give you expierience and wisdom and ita great! They can tell you what to expect and they can help you alot! Your the one benefiting in this situation not the people hating on you ignore them and enjoy it! x

Can I have yours?

Sorry i dont want to put it on here but if you send me your name i won't answer it on here! x

It's so long

I don't mind just do it in parts! or if you have kik send me your name and ill help you on there! stay strong whatever it is! x

This boy I really like is ignoring me and calling me a bad friend and idek what I fucking did like wtf

Oh wow thats tricky! Ask him what yoypu did and try and patch it up and say sorry? Say how your confussed and you don't know what you did wron and take it from there! x

I self harm. I want to stop but it's hard.

Your worth more then the blade... Try the elastic band project or the butterfly project. i know it may be hard but think of the long term <3 x

I love him so much. i'm

Well, you must know what love is then. As i said, love has its ways im sure if it is true love one day you will be with him x

I'm in love with a boy but he's gay :(

Are you sure your in love? Its a huge thing and people often mistake it... And if you are ment to be with him, one day it will happen! no matter what! for now, just keep living the single life and enjoy it! x

speak you dutch?

Um no I only speek English sorry but you can try to write in english! im sure i'll understand! or use google translate? x

What do I do when I liked a guy for almost 6 months and he didn't wanna date anyone till school ended .then he started to like my best friend and she likes him .he asked me if he could ask her out ?i was really sad

Aww well maybe he wasn't the one... you never know! If you two are ment to be together im sure it will happen! x

There's this guy and I really like talking to him but things happen between us and then he stopped talking to me. I've asked him and he just says nothing's wrong. Every time we talk it's awks and I miss talking to him. What should I do to get his attention again ? Please help me.

Aww wow thats hard! Keep asking if somethings wrong maybe there is because it doesn't seem normal... Keep being there for him and talking to him and all that and see what happens :) he will hopefully change but if he doesn't don't be disheartened. He doesn't sound like the best boyfriend if hes just going to keep ignoring you and being awkward... good luck! x

I was going out with him over 1 year by then he dumped me... Things started happening , And now when I talk to him it's Awks what do I do?

Try to make the conversation more friend rather then boyfriend maybe? Just ask about general things like school, tv shows maybe? you know just normal things friends talk about. find out the things he likes and talk to him about those so he feels more comfortable :) x
Liked by: Billz

but how can i talk to her when i can have any contact with her and some times other people get involved when i try to talk to her on ask

Talk to her face to face! Ask if you can talk to her just for a second and let her bring a friend if she feels more comfortable and explain that your confussed with whats goinf on :)

I loooove this boy & what do I do?

Are you sure? love is really strong and some people can get it mixed up. Tell this boy how you feel. Build your friendship with him first though talk to him say hi give him a smile and wave every now and then when you see him and take it from there :) x


Language: English