
Laura Allard-Fleischl

Ask @ponyhunterblog

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how do you get your hair to always look so "beachy"? it looks like it has such a nice texture!

Haha thanks so much. I actually just don't brush it, it's pretty dry so that probably makes it look 'beachy' too.

re packing for your trip and move: wow that's amazing! and brutal! I'm such a hoarder and i'm trying to cull down my belongings so I can ditch auckland in about 18-24 months' time and the thought of it freaks me out! haha

Haha, no I'm exactly the same! I started hoarding again as soon as I arrived in the UK and am now faced with the task of selling an obscene amount of clothing on depop. It's a problem. Good luck with the move, I'm sure you'll find it much easier than you anticipate once you actually start packing, and you can always arrange to have things shipped over after you arrive if the culling process is too hard :)

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when you moved to london, how did you manage to take everything with you, especially since you went on a huge usa road trip first?

I only took what fitted in a suitcase with me. A couple of outfit changes, toiletries, a towel, some shoes, my laptop and all my camera gear. The rest of my possessions I either sold, or left with my parents in New Zealand. I did a bit of shopping in America, so whatever didn't fit in the suitcase got left in hotel rooms along the way haha.

hey, i remember a coupla years ago you covered laneway for vice and was part of the vice blogging network? i was just wondering how you got into that?

Hey! At that time event photography was something I was doing a bit of, I can't remember exactly who it was, but either Imogen or Tim at Vice NZ got in touch and hired me to shoot laneways for a number of consecutive years, I'm guessing they had seen my previous work and felt it matched what they needed. I've recently started shooting some pieces for Vice UK over here in London, but it's editorial fashion stories this time around as I no longer shoot events. If it's something you're interested in doing, it's always worth contacting people directly with links to your previous work and offering your services, good luck :)

Do you eat a lot of organic ?

You know, I'm not sure exactly how much of what I eat is organic. I buy most of my produce from farmers markets, street stalls, and small convenience stores which tend to have a higher ratio of organic produce than large supermarkets, however, as I am living on a budget, price is often my foremost priority and unfortunately that often dictates what I purchase.

What are you gonna be for Halloween this year ? I'am gonna be a unicorn with rainbow tail and rainbow head thing plus I bought pink legwarmers for it and glow in the dark body paint plus flash tatoos lena so excited lol what you being

Haha awesome. Hmm, I'm not sure, maybe Janis Joplin, or Robert Plant, that way I don't have to buy anything.

Are you based in London or Australia or both?

Hey, I'm from New Zealand originally and now live in London. I've never been based in Aus but I do love the place. Had some great holidays there.

are you actually making a living from photography in London or paying for living costs through other means?

I'm making a living. Some months are tighter than others, but generally speaking I make enough to pay for all basic living costs, and have a bit of fun on top :P

What do you suggest wearing to a school ball? I'm really not the typical sequins-and-flowy-skirt kinda gal, I'd love to do something a bit more edgy yet classy... tough I know! Any suggestions?

For my school ball I took elements from my favourite runway collections and designed my own dress which my mum made for me. She's a remarkable seamstress but you can always find a tailor if you don't know anyone with the skills. If recommend doing that if you're struggling to find something you like. If you want edgy, maybe pick up some mags like iD, dazed, self service, used, twin, oyster etc and have a flick through the collections on style.com and see what inspires you x

hi! can i have the link for the hat you bought from ebay in the latest post! have been searching one like that for ages! thanks! and i love your style sooooo much! =D

Hey, I bought it years and years ago so don't remember the link sorry. It used to be a pretty classic shaped wide brim fedora but it's been shoved into so many bags and boxes and hauled cross-country and soaked in so many showers that its lost all its original shape and looks nothing like what you would buy it as anyway haha. Sorry. I'm sure they sell similar hats at most cheap high street chain stores though :)

Is there a particular camera grading setting you have your camera on? eg fujifilm/velvia etc

Grading is generally something that is manually altered in post processing, not in camera settings. I do however customise the sharpness, contrast, saturation and colour tone settings on my camera with each shoot. Fujifilm Velvia is a brand of camera film, is it not? If you're wanting to use what film I use, I prefer Portra 400 but can't afford it anymore so just use whatever I find a poundland haha x

What made you want to start eating healthy?

I was brought up with an incredibly healthy diet, my parents are amazing cooks and vegetables have always been my favourite food group. That said, I also love to indulge in treats (pick & mix lolly stores are literally like crack to me), I just think it's important to not do so in excess, otherwise they lose their appeal :)

Where did you meet your best friends?

Oh man, I don't know. Bars, parties, events, through other friends, work, travelling, all over the place really.

Hi! I was just wondering how you got into working for Red11?

Mandy and Amanda took me out for breakfast one morning and offered me a job. I'm forever indebted to them for it, it was an amazing job and gave me the experience and contacts that I needed to begin my journey here in London :)

Hi Laura, love you photography! I'm quite a young photographer living in NZ, I'm currently dealing with not being paid for any of the work I do for companies I work with but would like to, any advice? Also are you only working as a photographer currently or do you have another job? x

Haha welcome to life as a photographer. I hope you like frozen vegetables, it's all you're going to be able to afford to eat :P
If you love what you're doing enough to stick it out and find the reward worth the strain then I recommend persevering, eventually you may find someone willing to part with their cash for your services. Yes, it's currently my sole profession.
Best of luck x

Hi Laura, hope you've been enjoying London - all your photos have been incredible! Just wondering, when you do test shoots, do work with a stylist, or bring your own pieces, or ask the model to bring clothes? Have a great day x

Hello! Yes, I've been loving it here, thanks. Aw, that's so sweet of you to say!! For the most part, I style my tests myself with my own clothes, however I've shot with a stylist on a few and would definitely do so more often if the time constraints weren't so major! If you look on my portfolio, I credit Hair, Makeup and Stylist under the title of the shoots.. any that are blank just mean I've done it myself xx

I love your vegan recipes ! For how long have you been vegan ?

Thankyou so much. I'm not vegan. I love the challenge of making vegan food and, generally speaking, don't enjoy eating meat, or animal products, but love food too much to put those kinds of limitations on my diet, especially when traveling!

Hi Laura, I'm in love with your work, especially your posts for 'Lauras Recipes' :) May I ask if you have set up a little studio of sorts to capture your images? They're always so perfect xx

Haha thanks so much. No, I don't use a studio for my food shots, I generally just cheat by laying out some white paper near a window. Hope that helps xx

I remember reading about when you went overseas to volunteer for a little while. How long did you go for and with which company? Would you recommend them? Love your style and all your work :)

Hi! Yes, I went to Nepal to volunteer helping out with the construction of an orphanage. The company I went with was called the Global Volunteer Network and offer a range of placements over the world. They basically took care of a 1 week training course and 1 week trial placement in a small town a few hours from Thamel before sending us unaided to our placement locations. I loved it and would certainly recommend it, It's not a leisurely holiday but it's so incredibly rewarding and you learn so much. I went alone and if you choose to do that I would recommend buying a stack of good books to read, although the locals in my placement village were very warm (possibly the kindest people I've ever met) and understanding of my broken Nepalese, you'll find yourself needing a lot of time to rest your brain haha. Hope that helped x

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Liked by: K. allardice

Hi Laura, I love your blog - so talented and i'm inspired to start a blog as well! May I ask you where you found your lovely template?

Thanks so much. I actually started with the basic blogspot template and edited the html to my preference x

how is london? are you finding plenty of work? your blog is gorgeous by the way!! xx

Hi, London is pretty chilly, especially in the evenings, but otherwise fantastic. I'm finding enough work, as in I'm paying rent and have multiple jobs most weeks, however I'm hoping it'll keep increasing, I'd love to work with a wider range of clients, but these things take time. Thankyou so much for the kind words x


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