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Since MCPE and the console minecraft versions are written in C ++ , then why won't the developers of MCPE use the code written for XBOX one for example to implement some of the new features?

Because an entirely different company is working on the console edition. Also there's a good chance most of it is written to only work with the CPU and GPU of the Xbox, and re-writing that would take about as long as re-writing it from scratch.

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I wanna fight mobs with my friend but the servers don't currently support mobs. When might that be fixed and is there another way for us to play together? He is on Android and I am on Windows phone 8.1.

I think PocketMine supports mobs but doesn't have an AI for them yet. Not sure when that will be added.

Latest. iOS 8.4.1 iPad mini

I've heard about that happening on older iPads on older iOS versions, but not newer. Hopefully if it's a newer device it's already been reported.

0.12 didn't help my iPads freezing up problem. I would really like to play multiplayer minecraft some time! :(

What iOS version are you on?

Do you think that 0.12.0 will be out a month after the Windows 10 edition or later, because we recently have has no news or updates but have been told August

There's no way of telling right now.

I was making a texture for mcpe and i saw redstone and pistons... (in my phone) is this coming? (0.12.1 / 0.13.0) ?

Pocket Edition has the same textures file as PC edition, but this doesn't mean any of them are coming soon.

What day this month do you think mcpe 0.12.0 is coming out ( Just a guess )

It's too early to make an accurate guess.

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