
stanley tidbury

Ask @pronface

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How do you usually start a conversation?

Depends who I'm talking to, usually I have a reason to start a convo so I just start with that

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Whoo! We're going to get you so drunkkkk

FraeElford’s Profile PhotoFrae Elford
i will be s m a s h e d trust me omfgggggg ANNNDDD soon after were hopefully at that 90's thinngggg!!:!!

#awks and missed you at the pub :(

FraeElford’s Profile PhotoFrae Elford
i wish i could have gone :( ahh well 5 months and 21 days and ill be 18 and i can go to the pub whenever wyayayaya!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:

who's your favourite person at college? i'll give you a clue. her name begins with T and rhymes with Mia

hmmm well theres this gal called Tia but she's a bitch so you wont be talking about her :/:/:/:/ .,... #JOKEEEE love you Tia you're totes my faveeee!!!! :*
Liked by: Frae Elford Tia

when was the last time you were upset?

dunnnoo, i get upset quite often but then get over it really quickly sooo

who is your favorite music artist?

paramore and kigh are my favourite bands, like goes without sayingg, but atm im really into ke$ha lol

What makes someone attractive?

everything really if they're tidy, clean and a nice person then i'll probably find them attractive (tidy and clean as in like personal hygiene etc)


Language: English