
Rizal Azhiman Rasid

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Assalamualaikum ,Saying Merry Christmas is agreeing that Jesus Christ was born on 25th December and you are agreeing that he is begotten the son of god Na'zubillah which is shrik........

for god sake please stop this shit and start to respect other religions. i'm sorry if my opinions is different than yours but please stop sending racism stuffs on my page. I know i'm not a perfect muslim and i'm not good in answering this type of questions. i'm trying to respect their religions and if i do it wrong, i'm sorry.. i guess i'm not that educated in islamic knowledge.

Assalamualaikum..no it's not racism. well yes we know that other religions are allowed to greet "selamat hari raya". but merry christmas is a diff thing :) it's like we're accepting the fact that the jesus was born on 25th dec and that is tuhan dorang, where on the other hand our tuhan is the one an

'Allah adalah Tuhan ku dan Nabi Muhammad SAW adalah Nabi ku'

when did you start singing, and who inspires you the most when it comes to singing?

i started singing when i was in year 7, when i first joined the choir club. who inspires me? i gotta say, Finn (Cory Monteith) from Glee actually inspires me to sing. watching him singing and performing with so much passion motivates me to become a better singer. Yes, i used to be a gleek, but the fact that he's gone now, i am no longer a gleek. there's no point of watching glee without Finn. RIP Cory.. you'll always be in everyones heart.
Liked by: norahfzh Redzancé Zaty


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