
Rizal Azhiman Rasid

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some facts about you?

- my fullname is Muhammad Rizal Azhiman Bin Mohammad Rasid
- 17 (turning 18 this September) yayy
- i have 3 sisters and a younger brother. i'm the eldest
- i'm a Bruneian
- Muslim
- i'm straight as a flag pole
- i lived somewhere in Tutong
- i'm obsessed with singing (besides food)
- i love food soooo sooooo much
- i can play guitar, piano & gulintangan
- i have 9 cats & 4 kittens.
- i'm not that smart, seriously
- my favourite colour is blue
- i like collecting t-shirts
- i'm a directioner. lol but i'm not that kind of person who will fangirling over them everytime hearing the word One Direction. i just like all of their songs and they inspired me a lot.
- i'm addicted to Running Man now. i used to hate korean lol
- my sister once poked my left eye with a pen when i was little and left a little scar on the cornea of my eye. thank god the pen is not directed on my pupil, my left eye would be blind by now. but the scar is gone now.
- she also pushed me off a bed and my head hit at the corner of the table lamp, causing an open wound near my right eye that need to be stiches, but i was too afraid of the needle.. so the doctor only put a plaster on it. the scar is still visible until now. yeap, my sister is so evil back then.
- i love snake so much that i wanted to make it as a pet. someday..
- i love travelling.
- my ambition is to be an astronaut when i was in primary school, but now i don't have any. i just wished to be successful in the future.
there's alot more actually, but there you go.. :)

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Thoughts: I had the hugest crush on you for like 5-6 years (this is embarrassing). I have to say my favorite cover by you is 'All Of Me by John Legend'. You are a very friendly person and very handsome haha. Have a lovely night Rizal x

good to know.. thanks for telling ? awwwh thank you Liana. you're very pretty yourself (and i mean it) hehe we should've take some photos during the birthday party last month haha ? have a wonderful night too Liana :) x

usually you beli baju dimana? :)

everywhere lol when something caught my attention and i really like it, i'd buy it even if it's un-branded because i'm not that picky when it comes to clothing and branding, not like some teenagers nowadays which all they want is branded stuffs and shit (sorry for stating this out) but it's true though from what i've seen so far.. my parents always taught me to appreciate everything that we have no matter how cheap or expensive that things are.

assalamualaikum, as a muslim, dont greet "merry christmas" please. maaf, sekedar teguran, jazakillahu khair :)

walaikumsalam.. as a muslim, i respect other religions as they respect ours. doesn't mean when i say merry christmas i actually celebrate it. i'm showing my respect to the non-muslims. i have a relatives that also celebrate christmas, and i think it was not a big of a deal to greet them. just like the non-muslim who greeted 'happy hari raya' to the muslim. please stop this racism and respect other religions. wallahualambisawa. :)

Do 20 facts about you please? x

1. i eat a lot
2. i'm obsessed with snakes
3. i love collecting shirts
4. i don't eat greens
5. i hate chilli in the bottle. i can't even touch it
6. i love to sing
7. i'm a very ambitious person
8. i love art
9. i wish i had a mini cooper. dayumm
10. i love travelling
11. i like the colour blue
12. i have a pet monkey
13. I went to IGS College
14. i love to sleep
15. i fall in love easily (heh)
16. i hate loud and annoying people
17. i love both of my parents
18. i wish i can do magic spells lol
19. i'm very talkative but tend to become quiet with stranger or someone i like.
20. i'm interested in dancing but i can't dance haha

From Angry Birds, are you more Red, Chuck or Pig?

I'm a combination of red & chuck! I get irritated very easily and i can be very very annoying at times ? watched Angry Birds the other day and it was sooo hilarious! To those who haven't please watch it!! and yes i'm recommending this to you guys because you seriously need to watch it asap haha I was laughing throughout the movie.. 10/10 for me!


Language: English