

Ask @shades_69

I want a girlfriend but I slept with many girls that I feel like they'll get hurt if I get a girlfriend and ignore them. Urgh, why did I ever sleep with so many women? ._.


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am i the only one who stalks kyungsoo and jackson? theyre honestly one of the cutest gay couples here like Jesus Christ o u o


I feel like you're having doubts, my darling. Please don't, love, there's nothing to doubt, because I love you more than anything, I'm just planning something.


I'm so lucky to be loved by you. You never fail to make me smile with what u do, laugh with what you say, and loved by expressing it through actions. I hope we can be together for a LOOOOONG LONG TIME. I hope everytime you spend your time with me i always do everything to make you feel loved.


I love you, I love you with everything that I am and ever will be. You're my perfect cutie and no one could take your place, you complete the crazy puzzle that makes me up and I'm so glad. I'd be nothing without you in my life. And I know I can be a pain, but it's only because I love you. Stay with


at first i was sure he likes me, but now....i am sure that no one from both likes me anymore *sighs* did they fall for each other?...boys are weird *smiles sadly*


yeah hey there, thirsty bitches, please stop posting your copy and paste, flirty starters, on the walls of guys that are happily gay and taken, thank you very freaking much.


Why is that tomboys never get any love? Are we too manly for you? We can be pretty too, you never know. We can be more better looking than the non tomboys. /shrugs


kai I love you but i know this will only be a one sided love.... please dont change after reading this.. i dont want our friendship to collapse.... i care so much about you. im pretty sure you know who this is if not then try to figure out... -secret admire


Kai...What am I to you? Am I just your favorite actor or am I more than that.... Your friend? Do I mean anything to you? As long you smile... A true one.. As long your happy than im happy. - secret admire


The most poisonus thing that can kill anyone is being in love... because you dont know if you will be rejected.... love is just a puzzle. If you solve the puzzle then the two of you are meant to be but if the puzzle turns even more confusing then the two of you are never ment for each other.



Language: English