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Not sure if you are aware but tonight in the UK on the ITV news at ten there is an interview with Film director Sam Taylor Johnson about the Fifty Shades of grey movie. Just thought I'd share.

Yeah someone had tweeted about it. I was trying to find the video :( do you know if there is anywhere I can see it online?

Can E.L. James PLEASE make a 4th, 5th & 6th book to tell us the rest or Christian and Ana's story?! Gahhhh. I wanna keep reading!!

Aw xD I don't think she would but who knows

the problem with reading a good book is that you want to finish the book but you don't want to finish the book

The struggle D:

Were there any parts of the books that shocked you?

I guess some of the certain kinky stuff Christian did xD since when I first read it I was new to all of that

when were you when the world stopped turning that september day?

9/11 is actually my mothers birthday. I had been with her when it happened

Fifty Shades is about deep connection.... Have you felt that with anyone? When that happens... life shifts to a different gear.. Higher energy.

I have, once.

Ok...so I would like to get a read on how everyone thinks Ana's name is pronounced. I think it is pronounced Anna or Annastayshia. The reason I think this is that Ray calls her Annie. So what do y'all think Annastayshia or Ahnastashia?

I say Annastayshia xD

Have you read all the articles about Charlie Hunnam having nervous breakdowns about his scheduling conflicts after signing on to FSOG? He revealed that's why he dropped the movie

I briefly read over one of them but I don't really read on him. Either way I'm glad he dropped out. I like Charlie just not for Christian.
Liked by: lulu

I have been so busy with school and work I don't even have time to read 50 Shades. I read the post and I feel I have forgotten parts of the book. Hopefully the semester ends soon so I can have down time to reread the trilogy

You have plenty of time before the film =)
Liked by: lulu

Would be nice if e l james was writing a fourth book, that it would cover the period between having both kids...love the new scene!

I mean it could be interesting but at the same time I wouldn't really want another book. I think they ended perfectly. But maybe if she were to post a chapter or two on her site of them with the kids that would be nice.
Liked by: lulu

I went to a restaurant for lunch that gives free dessert if it is your birthday. I told the waitress it was Ana's birthday, could I still have the free dessert. She just stared at me like I was crazy.... ; - )

LOL aww xD
Liked by: lulu


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