
Fifty Shades Updates

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I just finished watching all the episodes of New Worlds and liked it very much. Jamie was great as Abe Goth. Well acted Cudos Jamie

I still have to find a way to watch that. I'm glad you enjoyed it =D

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Flying Home.... Release Date: Augustus 22, 2014......He is so Handsome.....Lucky Bird!

I really wanna see it D:

do you think any of the stars are reading these feeds? I wonder what they would think. I expect the studio to...

I think the studio probably more than the stars. Well the co-stars on twitter definitely know whats up haha but Dakota and Jamie probably not as much.

I have a question, and idk if it's been asked before, but is there an official website to buy fifty shades merchandise at? Sorry if it's a silly question, but I can't, for the life of me, seem to think of one. Thanks in advance

Not really. There's a few sites for erotic fifty shades merchandise if that's what you're searching for unless you mean merchandise for the film if you mean the film there isn't any yet. =(

Ana was a tea drinker, Christian was a coffee drinker. Which are you mostly?

I prefer tea <3 I used to love coffee but now I actually dislike it xD

You dreamed about Jamie? tell me about it!

It was just me out with a friend then I saw him out with his wife and met him lmao silly dream but when I woke up I was like aw man =( it felt real lol

Ok true story... I had a dream that I got hired as Jamie and Amelia's nanny! Lmao!!! I even moved to London!!haha...maybe I'm too emotionally invested in him if I'm dreaming about him!!! ( kinda wish it was a dirty dream..heehee)

Haha sounds like an interesting dream xD I've had one with him before but it was a silly one lol

I would run.. Skip.. Jump ..hop..sing..dance..juggle and pull a rabbit out of my woo-hoo.. for that elevator ride with Christian... Just sayin

Lol! As would I.

The look is "get your fucking hands off her!!! She's mine!!!!!!"...even though she wasn't yet...in his head, she already was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aw yeah xD

I prefer Kinky fuckery than Vanilla xD

Hey sometimes a little vanilla is nice too xD kinky fuckery takes a lot of energy haha

Going to kick back and watch me some Jamie Dornan The fall #1 and the Graham Norton show where Jamie does the walk. Then the trailer for FSOG. I'll be entertained for a while. so excited

Sounds like a great way to spend your day =D

"God I would so love to suck on Jamie's nipples" oh no trust me that ain't all I want to suck ;)

Hahaha xD true


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