
Fifty Shades Updates

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What do you thinK... us there any chance we get DaRKEr in 2016???? Oh god i hope so!!!!! ;) i want darker right now after watching the movie^^

I'm pretty sure =)

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Did the movie play Love Me Like You Do? And if they do, which scene was it played in?

Yes =) When they are in Charlie Tango.

Hey you! I just wanted to know if Jamie and/or Dakota are going to more premieres? Or arr they already finished with the promo?

There are no more premieres.

Just seen the movie & loved it. really enjoyed the negotiation scene but I think the acting from Dakota at the end was really powerful & believable. They need get started on the next film now!

The negotiation was too great <3 and yes that ending D:
Liked by: Nelsy Romero

Jamie's wife is such a pill..would it kill her to smile?? This trilogy is going to financially benefit them tremendously!

I'll admit she is usually kind of bland in photos. I did like her outfit though xD

Do you think it's weird if people went to see the film on their own?

Not at all. Some people either don't know anyone who wants to see it or just don't feel comfortable seeing it with someone they know.


Language: English